Gladiator Diemos Token
- Creatures that drop this item.
- Dropped by Gladiator Diemos.
- Pickup timer: 6 days
- Does not stack.
- Give to Master Arbitrator for Arbitrator's Augmentation Token and a Gladiator Diemos Statue.
- Either give the new token back for a free level or give to Fiun Rehlyun in Fiun Outpost for a Blank Augmentation Gem. The statue cannot be turned in for xp.
- As part for the Spring 2014 Kill Diemos and return the Gladiator Diemos Token to Summercrown to acquire the Luminous Amber of the 38th Tier Paragon.
You give Master Arbitrator Gladiator Diemos Token.
Master Arbitrator gives you Arbitrator's Augmentation Token.
Master Arbitrator tells you, "I see that you have proved your skill against the Champion, Gladiator Diemos. Well done indeed. I hereby grant you the title, Immortal Champion."
Master Arbitrator tells you, "In addition to your new title and this useful hook caster, I'll also give you a token that you can trade back to me for a great deal of practical knowledge, or you can trade it in to Fiun Rehlyun at the Fiun settlement in the Halaetan Isles for a blank Augmentation gem. A difficult decision, I know."
Master Arbitrator gives you Gladiator Diemos Statue.