Glowing Mosswart Shroud
- Crafted by applying Virindi Essence to a Torn Mosswart Shroud.
- Give to the Broken Virindi in the Moss Chamber in Zaikhal for 5 Diamond Scarabs.
- Broken Virindi tells you, "Yes, I obey the Master. Please. If you have the Glowing Mosswart Hide, I will take it in exchange for the reward that the Master feels is appropriate."
- Broken Virindi tells you, "Here, Master wishes for you to have this."
- Broken Virindi gives you Denouement.
- You give Broken Virindi Glowing Mosswart Shroud.
- Broken Virindi tells you, "Here are the totems. Could you please tell the Master I did my job well? Please."
- Broken Virindi gives you 5 Diamond Scarabs.