Healer Rili Sou
Related topics: Healer Rili Sou (Creature)
- During the Shadow Invasion of Tou-Tou, Healer Rili Sou was one of the townsfolk that was trapped and can now be found as Healer Rili Sou (Creature) in the Shadow Vortex Dungeon
- Route: See Tou-Tou
- See Healer for other similar shopkeepers.
- Sells at 155%, buys at 90%.
Item Price Health Draught 132 Potion of Healing 264 Health Tincture 775 Mana Draught 132 Mana Potion 264 Mana Tincture 775 Stamina Potion 117 Stamina Tincture 155 Stamina Elixir 233 Handy Healing Kit 16 Adept Healing Kit 78 Gifted Healing Kit 186
Item Price Heal Other I 52 Revitalize Other I 27 Mana Boost Other I 52 Strength Other I 155
Trade Notes
Item Price Trade Note (100) 115p Trade Note (500) 575p
Lore & Dialog
Opening Dialog:
- Healer Rili Sou tells you, "Welcome to East Tower."
Item Selling Dialog:
- Healer Rili Sou tells you, "Excellent."
Item Purchasing Dialog:
- Healer Rili Sou tells you, "Thank you."
Closing Dialog:
- Healer Rili Sou tells you, "Ah, I wish I could have been here while the Empyrean still ruled."
- Healer Rili Sou tells you, "Be careful in your travels; it can be dangerous out there."
- Healer Rili Sou tells you, "Long ago, it is said a rag-tag group of people tried to build here before us. They seem to have failed."
- Healer Rili Sou tells you, "The tower is quite a sight, is it not?"