7/17/09 - Thug Hideout
Ries Woron has found the Thug Hideout near 65.8S 77.2E and needs your help!
On July 17th, 2009 at around 12.30AM EST, A Global went out that Ries Woron found a Thug Hideout at 65.8S 77.2E near Lin.
There is a white portal dungeon at this coords. The dungeon is nolog and no recall.
The dungeon is full of Thugs and Thug Bosses, which do not respawn after killed.
Running N, there are two gates, first and second gate and an expiring mana barrier.
Two bedrooms with pickable chests.
At the end there is a sort of throne room.
In one of the rooms, there is a pit, but no way out of it.