Jester's Token
- Creatures that drop this item.
- Also found in the Forge Vault.
- To use, give to the Casino Owner, then give the card you don't want to a High-Stakes Gamesmaster who will then give you a random replacement card.
- Stack Size: 10??
- You give Monty the Munificent Jester's Token.
- Monty the Munificent tells you, "Very well. You may gamble one card with the High-Stakes Gamesmaster over there."
- Monty the Munificent tells you, "I don't know why I agreed to gamble these cards. That funny fellow was just so persuasive! I agreed before I even asked myself the most important question in gambling. What's my take?"
- You give Aluvian High-Stakes Gamesmaster Three of Eyes.
- The Gamesmaster takes your card and shuffles it into a large deck in front of her. She then fans the deck out in front of you.
- Aluvian High-Stakes Gamesmaster tells you, "Pick a card. Pick any card you like. All selections are final."
- You carefully slip one card out and turn it over to find...
- Aluvian High-Stakes Gamesmaster gives you Six of Eyes.