Jolly Snowman
- These snowmen sell only two items: the directions for making a snowman housing decoration and Magic Iceballs used in several cooking recipes.
- Jolly Snowmen are found in Igloos in the Esper and Linvak Mountain Ranges:
Books, Paper
Item Price A Frozen Note 16
Cooking Items
Item Price Magic Iceball 39
Lore & Dialog
Jolly Snowman tells you, "Welcome! There's only two things I sell, and you can't throw either of them."
Jolly Snowman tells you, "Thank you for coming by. Stay frosty."
Jolly Snowman tells you, "I'm a pacifist. I don't fight. And no one bothers me."
Jolly Snowman tells you, "I wonder if I have a mote of pyreal in me? I doubt it!"
Jolly Snowman tells you, "I hear my fellow snowmen are coming back! I hope they come by and visit. It gets so lonely here during the warm times."
Jolly Snowman tells you, "My ice is of only the highest, purest quality! And it never melts!"