Karlun's Visage

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Introduced:  Dance of the Dead Related Quests:  Heritage Masks
Karlun's Visage
Value: 10,000
800 Burden Units

An impressively depiction of the mighty Karlun, known as the Great Bull, and the Blood-Father of Viamont. "From him all Greatness comes."

Armor Level: 330
Covers Head

Casts the following spells: Executor's Blessing, Aura of Defense, Major Fealty, Jibril's Blessing, Minor Armor Tinkering Expertise, Odif's Blessing, Moderate Invulnerability, Brogard's Defiance

Armor Level: 330
Slashing: Above Average (462)
Piercing: Above Average (396)
Bludgeoning: Above Average (462)
Fire: Above Average (396)
Cold: Above Average (396)
Acid: Above Average (462)
Electric: Average (330)
Nether: Average (330)

Activation Requirements: Arcane Lore: 240, Viamontian

Spellcraft: 350
Mana: 1000
Mana Cost: 1 point per 30 seconds.

Karlun's Visage


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