Lalid al-Jasi the Jeweler
Item Price Heavy Necklace 68 Heavy Bracelet 68
Trade Notes
Item Price Trade Note (100) 115 Trade Note (500) 575 Trade Note (1,000) 1,150 Trade Note (5,000) 5,750 Trade Note (10,000) 11,500 Trade Note (50,000) 57,500 Trade Note (100,000) 115,000 Trade Note (150,000) 172,500 Trade Note (200,000) 230,000 Trade Note (250,000) 287,500
Lore & Dialog
Lalid al-Jasi the Jeweler tells you, "I've decided to move in with old Afsan. We're still trying to get materials to rebuild his bar."
Lalid al-Jasi the Jeweler tells you, "I hope we get the new place finished soon. I don't feel safe sleeping under the stars, with my stock rolled up in a coat under my head."
Lalid al-Jasi the Jeweler tells you, "I mean... in the Incunabula Vault. I keep my stock there."