Mi Krau-Li's Jitte

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Introduced:  To Raise a Banner of Flame Related Quests:  Mi Krau-Li's Jitte Quest Updated:  A Perfect Paradox
Mi Krau-Li's Jitte
Value: 100
350 Burden Units
An exceptionally well-balanced jitte, the weapon of Mi Krau-Li.

Special Properties: Attuned, Bonded

Skill: Finesse Weapons (Mace)
Damage: 9 - 18, Bludgeoning
Speed: (30)
Bonus to Attack Skill: +5%
Bonus to Melee Defense: +6%

Casts the following spells: Blood Drinker IV, Mace Mastery Other IV

Activation Requirements: Mace: 150

Spellcraft: 150
Mana: 600
Mana Cost: 1 point per 40 seconds.

If you find my jitte, bring it to me and I will reward you!
--Mi Krau-Li
Mi Krau-Li's Jitte
