Microsoft Zone Archive/Asheron's Call Handbook/The Way of Steel: Weapons
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The Way of Steel: Weapons
Excerpted from the Eagle's Road, by Ummaz ibn Baqani
The path of the warrior is, by nature, fraught with peril. Those who travel it will seldom live to see their old age. Many will perish while they are still young. Yet the rewards for the skilled fighter can be great: power, glory, wealth, and the respect of friend and foe alike. Still, the novice warrior should learn something about his blade before he draws it for the first time.
Melee Weapons
There's much to think about when it comes to selecting the right weapon. A spear is very different from an axe, for instance. Which one is better depends on your own abilities, your foe, and the weapon itself. Before you go to the blacksmith's -- before you even choose which kinds of weapons to train with -- learn what they can do.

Axes and Hammers are heavy and slow, but they do grievous damage when they cleave a foe's flesh or smash his skull. They are suited for warriors who are strong and have plenty of stamina.

Daggers and Knives are light and quick, but don't do much damage compared with other arms. They are also among the easiest weapons to learn. If your specialty lies somewhere other than combat, such as magic or lockpicking, the dagger is a fine choice when you must wade into battle.

Maces, Clubs, and Morning Stars are perfect for the warrior who cares little for subtlety, and wants to start breaking bones. Heavy bludgeons are especially handy against certain monsters, such as skeletons and Olthoi.
Spears are simple and have a long reach. If a creature is particularly vulnerable to piercing damage, they're the best choice. Because spear heads are smaller than most other weapons' blades, however, the wounds they inflict are sometimes less severe.
Staffs, like daggers, are simple weapons, best suited for sorcerers and vagabonds -- although some staff-fighters, especially among the Sho, can be the most skilled warriors alive. Staffs are light and quick, with a longer reach than a mace, but they also do less damage.

Swords are, according to many fighters, the finest of all weapons. They are quicker and lighter than the axe, do more damage than daggers, and can both slash and pierce. They are more difficult to learn than other weapons, however, and are more likely to inflict minor grazes and nicks than, say, a battle axe or morning star.
Punching weapons, such as the katar, nekode, and cestus, add damage to punching attacks. Unarmed combat differs from other melee fighting, as the more skilled a warrior becomes, the more damage he can inflict. The novice is at a disadvantage beside a fighter with a sword, but masters of unarmed combat can cause as much harm with their hands and feet as the mightiest of weapons -- and usually with far greater speed.
Missile Weapons

Bows are the standard for missile combat. Archery is hard to learn, but a trained bowmen can kill an animal or minor monster with a single, well-aimed arrow. Longbows, generally, are slower than short bows, but are more powerful, so they do more damage.

Crossbows are both easier to use and mightier than bows, doing tremendous damage with each quarrel. They are very slow to reload, though, making it harder to keep up a steady fire. They are best suited for ambushes and surprise attacks, and can cause incredible mayhem when used in groups.
Thrown Weapons include anything that can be hurled by hand -- darts, javelins, throwing axes, shouken -- even certain items of treasure. They don't fly as far as arrows or quarrels, but a strong warrior can hurl them long distances and inflict terrible damage with them.
Weapons of Quality and Magic

As you slay monsters and grow in power, you will find weapons of quality and magic. These can be faster, more accurate, or more damaging than normal weapons. They can also improve your skill at deflecting attacks, and can also cast spells to improve your abilities. Keep watch, especially, for weapons that spout flames, frost, lightening, or acid. Not only are they spectacular in battle, but some monsters are extremely vulnerable to them -- you can vanquish a mu-miyah much faster, for instance, with a flaming sword than with one of plain steel.