Note from Hea Toneawa to Aun Mariona
Speak to Hea Toneawa
Note from Hea Toneawa to Aun Mariona
Special Properties: Attuned
A note from Hea Toneawa for delivery to Aun Mariona, at 41.1N 74.4W.
Dearest Mariona,
Though I love you more than the stars and the moon, I dare not meet you today as we had planned. I fear the Hea have become aware of our affections. The emnity between our xutas is too bitter. I know our love will be despised, and I fear for your safety. Lovely Mariona, steal away from Timaru, run away with me to the mainland. We could make a fresh start there, far from the baleful glances of our kindred. I will try my best to meet you on the morrow. Know that the trusted bearer of this missive also carries all my love to you.
Your Toneawa
-- Hea Toneawa