Oak Corrupted Heartwood Wand

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Introduced:  Forces of Nature Related Quests:  Corrupted Amber Collection
Oak Corrupted Heartwood Wand
Value: 200
50 Burden Units

This item may be tinkered or imbued like any loot-generated item.

Bonus to Melee Defense: +18.0% (+48.0%)
Bonus to Mana Conversion: +10% (+21.5%)

Damage bonus for Nether war spells:
_vs. Monsters: +18.0% (+26.0%)
_vs. Players: +9.0% (+13.0%)

Your base Void Magic must be at least 385 to wield this item.

Casts the following spells: Ring of Skulls II, Legendary Hermetic Link, Incantation of Void Magic Mastery Self, Incantation of Mana Conversion Mastery Self, Legendary Void Magic Aptitude

Activation Requirements: 300

Spellcraft: 40
Mana: 5000
Mana Cost: 1 point per 40 seconds.

Oak Corrupted Heartwood Wand as wielded by TheDrifta of Frostfell.