Omerik the Bowyer
- Route: Yaraq has a portal straight to Linvak Tukal in a bunker at 21.8S 1.0W.
- See Bowyer for other similar shopkeepers.
- Sells at 170%, buys at 80%.
Item Price Invitation to Master Fletchers 34,000
Item Price Rock 50 for 3,400 Longbow 595 Heavy Crossbow 638 Atlatl 340 Arrow 250 for 425 Quarrel 250 for 425 Blunt Arrow 850 Frog Crotch Arrow 1,700 Armor Piercing Arrow 1,700 Blunt Quarrel 840 Frog Crotch Quarrel 1,700 Armor Piercing Quarrel 1,700 Atlatl Dart 425
Fletching Items
Trade Notes
Item Price Trade Note (100) 115p Trade Note (500) 575p Trade Note (1,000) 1,150p Trade Note (5,000) 5,750p Trade Note (10,000) 11,500p Trade Note (50,000) 57,500p Trade Note (100,000) 115,000p Trade Note (150,000) 172,500p Trade Note (200,000) 230,000p Trade Note (250,000) 287,500p
Lore & Dialog
Omerik the Bowyer tells you, "Many of the demons fell to my bow. Unfortunately, I was not quick enough. The beasts escaped, and they took Balor with them. Oh, how the heart grieves."