Samuel, Former Guardian

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Introduced:  Mirror, Mirror Related Quests:  Eastham Sewer Quest
Samuel, Former Guardian

Male Aluvian
Senior Guard
Non-Player Killer

Strength 200
Endurance 140
Coordination 200
Quickness 180
Focus 90
Self 90
Health 195
Stamina 250
Mana 145

Location: 17.7N 63.1E in the bar in Eastham


Crafter Turn Ins

Turn In Items Experience Pyreals Reward Items
Broken Black Marrow Key 60,000xp --
Black Marrow Tea

Lore & Dialog

Samuel, Former Guardian tells you, "A few years back - you see? A few years back, this island was found. Apparently, Monarchs had gone there before Bael'zharon walked the world, as a test. Something like that-"
Samuel, Former Guardian tells you, "This was the home of nothing, but that was not the truth. Beneath the land, shadows lived, multiplied and schemed to take the world for their own. With their master destroyed, driven away and imprisoned by our forces and Asheron -"
Samuel, Former Guardian tells you, "But he's gone now - you see? He's gone and she drove him off...and now - these things."

Samuel, Former Guardian tells you, "The island - the Virindi came there. They took it over, drove the shadows away, for the most part. They reconstructed the island in their image."
Samuel, Former Guardian tells you, "Or so they thought."
Samuel manages a meek smile.
Samuel, Former Guardian tells you, "Sit?"
Samuel, Former Guardian tells you, "You see. The Virindi thought that they could take the island over and cleanse it. They thought that they were more powerful than whatever force controls that place. But they weren't, you see?"
Samuel, Former Guardian tells you, "They've been there quite a while now, or they were. They're not there anymore, not the normal Virindi. The twisted ones...they're still there."
Samuel's voice becomes low and takes on a surreal quality.
Samuel, Former Guardian tells you, "...and so are his spawn. The spawn of the -"
Samuel, Former Guardian tells you, "It has been so many months since that nightmare of an island changed. So many months, but the horrors are still fresh in my mind. I see the shadow in everything now. More than once has a hen stirred me to fright."
Samuel, Former Guardian tells you, "Fortunately, I have found something to help me cope with my fears. Oddly enough, this remedy came directly from the Singularity Caul itself."
Samuel, Former Guardian tells you, "Before I left that place, I came across some odd things, maybe mineral deposits, maybe the bones of some long dead creature, I do not know. All I know is steeping the stuff in hot water and cutting with rum has done wonders for my nerves."
Samuel, Former Guardian tells you, "If you find anything like that on the Caul, you know - charred bones of some sort - bring them to me and I'll brew you up some of this wonder drink as well!"

You give Samuel, Former Guardian Broken Black Marrow Key.
Samuel, Former Guardian tells you, "Yes! This is the stuff! I have more than enough to keep my calm for months to come, but I can make some tea for you out of this!"
Samuel produces a mortar and pestle and quickly crushes the charred bits of marrow and then stirs the powder into a mug of heated rum.
Samuel, Former Guardian tells you, "There you go! One sip of this stuff and you'll forget about all those things that trouble your dreams!"
You've earned 80,000 experience.
Samuel, Former Guardian gives you Black Marrow Tea.