Sharon the Skilled, Bowyer
Item Price Invitation to Master Fletchers 31,000
Item Price Longbow 543 Heavy Crossbow 582 Atlatl 310 Arrow 388 Quarrel 388 Blunt Arrow 775 Frog Crotch Arrow 1,550 Armor Piercing Arrow 1,550 Blunt Quarrel 775 Frog Crotch Quarrel 1,550 Armor Piercing Quarrel 1,550 Atlatl Dart 388
Fletching Items
Trade Notes
Item Price Trade Note (100) 115 Trade Note (500) 575 Trade Note (1,000) 1,150 Trade Note (5,000) 5,750 Trade Note (10,000) 11,500 Trade Note (50,000) 57,500 Trade Note (100,000) 115,000 Trade Note (150,000) 172,500 Trade Note (200,000) 230,000 Trade Note (250,000) 287,500
Lore & Dialog
Sharon the Skilled, Bowyer tells you, "Hello, my name is Sharon. Welcome to the Olthoi's Eye."
Sharon the Skilled, Bowyer tells you, "Good luck, and be careful out there. There are some creatures out there that can surprise you!"