A shadowy shield with surprising strength. As you attempt to push your fighter through the shadowy substance it becomes increasingly resistant to your push.Turn this into the Shadow Hunter if you would rather have an experience reward.Special Properties: Magic AbsorbingShield Level: 190 (430)You must be at least level 140 to wield this item.Casts the following spells: Aura of Deflection, Aura of Defense, Minor Impenetrability, Inferno's Bane, Brogard's Defiance, Astyrrian's BaneArmor Level: 190 (430)Slashing: Average (190) (430)Piercing: Excellent (342) (774)Bludgeoning: Excellent (342) (774)Fire: Average (152) (860)Cold: Unparalleled (380) (860)Acid: Average (190) (430)Electric: Average (152) (860)Nether: Average (190) (430)Activation Requirements: Melee Defense: 400Spellcraft: 400Mana: 2000Mana Cost: 1 point per 40 seconds.