The First Strike

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December 2001 - Announcements Page

Turbine Announcements


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Release Notes

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Letter to the Players

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Letter to the Players 2

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Letter to the Players 3

  • No Current Link Available


Town Crier Rumors

Town Crier tells you, "Hear ye, hear ye! The Training Hall outposts of six Nexus towns have fallen to an unprecedented attack! The portals to the Halls have...disappeared! What of the poor Trainers who must still be trapped inside?"
Town Crier tells you, "Environmentalists report that the rabbit population has gone into a sharp decline around the vicinity of a certain hill on the outskirts of Lytlethorpe. Meanwhile, shopkeeps and provisioners are reporting a sharp increase in the sale of carrots. Could these trends be related? I have a may be...oh nevermind."
Town Crier tells you, "I heard there's a new shoe crafter in Lytelthorpe. Funny thing is...he'll make you one, but not a pair. Odd way to run a business, isn't it?"
Town Crier tells you, "Those awful petrified pastries are back. I believe one of the ingredients, Brown Lumps, are sometimes dropped by Knaths if you can find them. I thought they were hunted to extinction, but people are still making those fossilized festival foods so the Knaths must be hiding somewhere. That or they're the same cakes from last year..."
Town Crier tells you, "The Nexus Town Bowyers Guild has asked me to announce that this month they will be unveiling the latest in missile weaponry...the Atlatl! Thrown weapons experts-get yours while supplies last!"
Town Crier tells you, "The Barkeeps are getting into the Festivities and are selling Festival Lights in Zaikhal, Cragstone and Hebian-To."
Town Crier tells you, "Have you seen those new-fangled weapons the outpost town shopkeepers are selling?"
Town Crier tells you, "Did you notice those giant Candy Sticks in town? I guess some mage got into the Festival Spirit... or perhaps just spirits! Anyway they cast all sorts of useful buffs on players, if you can get their attention."
Town Crier tells you, "It seems that winter is almost here. The snows are returning. Let's just hope we don't get as much as we did two seasons ago with the whole Frore problem."
Town Crier tells you, "I heard William Witty finally built himself a little cottage in Lytelthorpe. For a while I thought he'd never settle down! Always dashing here, dashing there... If I had a pair of slippers like his, why, I'd always keep moving too."
Town Crier tells you, "Ugh, my cousin sent me another one of those horrible Fruitcakes again for the Winter Festival. I guess I can use it for a doorstop or something."
Town Crier tells you, "Giant Snowmen in the world are said to be selling instructions on how to make a little Snowman."
Town Crier tells you, "Our Queen has dispatched members of her own Guard to build and fortify Training Academies in the outposts of Holtburg, Shoushi, and Yaraq. These guards have been specially charged to train new arrivals in these uncertain times."
Town Crier tells you, "Increasing portal disturbances have continued to threaten the 18 arrival points from Ispar. What...or who could be causing them?"
Town Crier tells you, "The Arcanum has enchanted a perimeter of Obelisks around the safest boundaries of Holtburg, Yaraq and Shoushi. New arrivals are to be warned that venturing past these markers will lead them to uncertain and more dangerous territories."
Town Crier tells you, "Been getting chilly lately. If you need some wood to keep warm or if you'd just like a Festival decoration, I hear there are two Woodsmen that have set up shops outside of Holtburg and Glendenwood."

Ulgrim Rumors

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oh, a new island, huh? You're all excited about it, huh? Here's one important question you have to ask yourself: Does it have Ulgrim on it? That should tell you all you need to know."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Psst, I've heard they were seen outside of towns recently. I've even heard that the Giant Snowmen are selling instructions on how to make more of the smaller ones. They are using witless fools to add to their frozen army. One more reason I stay out here in the desert."

New UI and Game Changes

  • Graphics
    • New animation for the house recall command.
  • Game Concepts
  • Housing
    • House owners no longer need to add other characters on their account to their guest list. This is now automatically done, and these characters will no longer appear on the guest list.
    • If an account owns a house, all characters on that account can now recall to that house with the command @house recall.
  • Thrown Weapons
    • A new Thrown Weapon projectile launcher - the Atlatl - has been introduced. There are also standard darts for these Atlatls.
    • Players can now use thrown weapons while wearing a shield.

New Quests

Updated Quests

New NPCs

Updated NPCs

New Locations

Housing Settlements

Updated Locations

New Items

Atlatls introduced
Atlatl Dart

Bunny Slippers Quest
White Rabbit Carcass
White Bunny Slipper
White Bunny Slippers
Bunny Slipper
Bunny Slippers

Sculpting a Snowman
A Frozen Note
Headless Snowman
Unarmed Snowman
Noseless Snowman
Snowman (Housing Item)
Snowman with Fez
Two Headed Snowman (Housing Item)

Training Academy Quest
Leather Cap (Training Academy)
Leather Gauntlets (Training Academy)
Leather Leggings (Training Academy)
Academy Coat
Academy Token
Combat and Spellcasting Guide
Guide to Healing
Guide to Raising Skills and Attributes
Carpenter Wasp Wing
A Crumpled Note
Oil of Rendering
Application Form
A Crumpled Note
Orders to the Guards
Greeter's Key
Official Warning
Quartermaster's Workshop Key
Academy Healing Potion
Academy Mana Potion
Academy Stamina Potion

Training Atlatl
Training Cestus
Training Dagger
Training Hand Axe
Light Training Crossbow
Training Mace
Training Short Sword
Training Shortbow
Training Spear
Training Staff
Training Wand
Academy Atlatl
Academy Cestus
Academy Dagger
Academy Hand Axe
Academy Light Crossbow
Academy Mace
Academy Short Sword
Academy Shortbow
Academy Spear
Academy Staff
Academy Wand

Peppermint Stick
Vapor Golem Heart

Small Pine Tree (Snow)
Large Pine Tree (Snow)

Updated Items

New Emotes

  • Talk to the hand: *talk to the hand*.
  • At ease: *at ease*.
  • Play possum: *play possum*.
  • Sit: *sit down*.
  • Get comfortable: *cross legs*.
  • Get really comfortable: *sitback*.
  • Point left: *point left*.
  • Point right: *point right*.
  • Point to the left until you do another action: *pointing left*.
  • Point to the right until you do another action: *pointing right*.
  • Nudge left: *nudgeleft*.
  • Nudge right: *nudgeright*.


New Creatures


Hollow Minion


Phyntos Wasp

Candy Stick


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