An amazing example of Viamontian High Heraldry, depicting the Silver Stag of the House of Bellenesse.Armor Level: 270 (470)Covers HeadCasts the following spells: Armor Tinkering Expertise Self VI, Impenetrability VI, Armor Self VI, Fealty Self VI, Invulnerability Self VIArmor Level: 270 (470)Slashing: Above Average (378) (658)Piercing: Above Average (324) (564)Bludgeoning: Above Average (378) (658)Fire: Above Average (324) (564)Cold: Above Average (324) (564)Acid: Above Average (378) (658)Electric: Average (270) (470)Nether: Average (270) (470)Activation Requirements: Arcane Lore: 200, ViamontianSpellcraft: 300Mana: 600Mana Cost: 1 point per 30 seconds.