Trophy System

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Related topics: Trophies

The Trophy System is separate from the Loot System which generates largely random loot using profiles and loot tiers.[1]

Trophies are determined as soon as a creature spawns, with loot being generated on the creature's death.[2] This is why trophies always appear in the first slots of a creature's corpse.

Items that appear in chests can also use the trophy system in addition to creatures. The earliest example of this is with Steel Chests that spawn wall and ring spells using the trophy system, while the bolts and arc spells are handled by the treasure system.[1] A "new trophy drop method" was also tested with the introduction of Black Marrow Reliquaries which can drop a number of different items in addition to tier 6 loot.[3]

Most Quest Items are not handled by the trophy system as every creature of the same type shares the same treasure profile and trophy drop information. This is why quest items are usually dropped by unique creatures or creatures found in certain locations.[4] [5]


  1. 1.0 1.1 03/23/2004 Turbine - Treasure in Asheron's Call
  2. 06/15/2000 Turbine - Transcript of Asheron's Call Developer Chat, June 15
  3. 02/13/2005 Turbine Forums - New keys and chest.
  4. 05/16/2004 Turbine Forums - Question about mechanics re: treasure generator
  5. 09/07/2004 Turbine Forums - Re: Possible problem with Olthoi loot