Ulgrim the Unappreciated

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Revision as of 18:03, 20 October 2011 by imported>Arkalor (Lore & Dialog)
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Introduced:  Across the Vast Divide Related Quests:  Ulgrim's Casting Stein
Ulgrim the Unappreciated

Male Aluvian
Non-Player Killer

Strength 160
Endurance 120
Coordination 110
Quickness 120
Focus 180
Self 165
Health 160
Stamina 230
Mana 265

Location: 94.8S 9.7W


Lore & Dialog

Ulgrim the Unappreciated says, "Hey, down here bozo!"
Ulgrim the Unappreciated says, "Wipe your feet! Cleaning house takes time away from my life's endeavor."
Ulgrim the Unappreciated says, "My boots don't fit anymore."
Ulgrim the Unappreciated says, "Ahem, I like my privacy when I can get it!"
Ulgrim the Unappreciated says, "Rotten tourists."
Ulgrim the Unappreciated says, "Nothing you see here is for sale! Not even for..."
Ulgrim the Unappreciated says, "How much did you say you had?"
Ulgrim the Unappreciated says, "Aw! None Left!"
Ulgrim the Unappreciated says, "I can't even see out the window!"
Ulgrim the Unappreciated says, "This sucks!"

Ulgrim the Unappreciated tells you, "Hey, since you're already bothering me you could at least make yourself useful and fetch me some of my home brewed stout from the basement."
Ulgrim the Unappreciated tells you, "Just take the portal to the lower basement and look for the glowing stout, you can't miss it. And don't go messing around with any of my things or I'll kick you in the shins!"

You give Ulgrim the Unappreciated Ulgrim's Home Brew.
Ulgrim the Unappreciated tells you, "Great! You found my Home Brew!"
Ulgrim the Unappreciated tells you, "Ahh!!! If that ain't the mothers milk to me! I've been saving that stout for a special occasion like this one."
Ulgrim the Unappreciated tells you, "What special occasion? Why my coming home party of course!"
Ulgrim the Unappreciated tells you, "Let's see, I think I have a reward for you here."
Ulgrim the Unappreciated gives you Casting Stein.
Ulgrim the Unappreciated tells you, "Don't say I never gave you anything!"