Uncovering the Renegades
Walk Through ___ Items ___ Lore & Dialog ___ Notes |
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Quest Overview
Walk Through
- Speak to Aruq ibn Balthar in Zaikhal by the Meeting Hall in town.
- Go to the Apostate Citadel Mines at 48.7S, 68.9W
- Route: Run west from the Obsidian Rim Portal drop.
- The Mines filled with Hollow Lugians. Run to the end of the dungeon where you will find locked door and a Gotrok Mining Foreman who has the Apostate Citadel Barracks Key. Get the key and unlock the door then go the Barracks portal beyond.
- The Barracks are full of Tumeroks. Run to the end of the dungeon where you will find a locked door and a Hea Apostate Warlord who has the Apostate Citadel Headquarters Key. Get the key and unlock the door then go the Headquarters portal beyond.
- Warning: On the other side of the door is an acid pit. Jump across it.
- The Headquarters are full of Virindi. Run to the end of the dungeon where you will find the Apostate Master.
- Kill the Master and loot the Apostate Message Shard shard off his corpse (1 per kill).
- Return to Zaikhal and give the Message Shard to Diyas al-Yat by the library for the translated version.
- Give the translated Apostate Orders to Aruq ibn Balthar for xp and a Mana Forge Key. He will also give you a copy of the orders.
Apostate Citadel Barracks Key
Apostate Citadel Headquarters Key
Apostate Message Shard
Apostate Orders
Mana Forge Key
Lore & Dialog
Aruq ibn Balthar tells you, "Aha! A doughty Derethian warrior! You may be just the person to help me here... There is a strange new fortified location in the Direlands, guarded by fearsome Gotrok Lugians! It is quite strange to see renegades outside their normal bailiwick in the southern mountains, and our scouts report that these monsters are even more powerful than the others of their ilk that we have previously surveyed."
Aruq ibn Balthar tells you, "We suspect, based on geomantic emanations from that location, that they are working at the behest of rebel Virindi again, but we need an intrepid adventurer such as yourself to personally infiltrate the installation and gather intelligence. Could you do this for us? Journey to the depths of the new Gotrok fortress in the Direlands at 48.7S, 68.9W and bring back whatever message shards you can find. I would be in your debt, and you would not go unrewarded."
You allow Diyas al-Yat to examine your Apostate Message Shard.
Diyas al-Yat tells you, "I heard that Aruq sent you off to that new fortress in the Direlands. Is this the shard you found there? Fascinating... Let me have a look..."
You hand over 1 of your Apostate Message Shards.
Diyas stares into the fragment of crystal for a moment, and his eyes widen with horror.
Diyas al-Yat tells you, "The Virindi rebels are gathering their allies again! They seek to step into the gap left by T'thuun's defeat! Quick, take this translation to Aruq, he will make sure the proper people are notified."
Diyas al-Yat gives you Apostate Orders.
You allow Aruq ibn Balthar to examine your Apostate Orders.
Aruq ibn Balthar tells you, "Good work, my friend! I knew I could count on you!"
Aruq takes a moment to read the translated message.
You hand over 1 of your Apostate Orderss.
Aruq ibn Balthar tells you, "Zounds! What a fell plot the rebel Virindi are hatching here! I am glad you were able to escape with this critical intelligence. I will send it on to my superiors on the Royal Council. No doubt they will dispatch scouts as soon as possible to comb the lands for these Nexuses they speak of. I imagine the secret societies will be quite interested in this as well... But here, here is your reward. It's something a previous visitor left here, I think you may find it useful."
Aruq ibn Balthar gives you Mana Forge Key.
You've earned 297,235,856 experience.
Aruq ibn Balthar gives you Apostate Orders.
Aruq ibn Balthar tells you, "On further consideration, I should also give you a copy of this translation, for your own records... And perhaps you can help spread the word, if you belong to a secret society, that the Virindi rebels are rising to threaten Dereth again!"