Yi Yo-Jin

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Revision as of 22:30, 12 March 2012 by imported>Arkalor (Lore & Dialog)
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Introduced:  Sudden Season Related Quests:  Feud of Neydisa and Bandit Castle
Yi Yo-Jin

Male Sho
Leather Crafter
Non-Player Killer

Strength 80
Endurance 90
Coordination 75
Quickness 65
Focus 50
Self 30
Health 45
Stamina 190
Mana 30

Location: 69.5N, 17.6E in Neydisa Castle


Portal in Holtburg

Crafter Turn Ins

Turn In Items Experience Pyreals Reward Items
Enhanced Robe of the Tundra -- --
Enhanced Robe of the Tundra (Hoory Robe Style)

Hoary Mattekar Hide 15,000xp --
Hoary Mattekar Robe

Hoary Mattekar Robe -- --
Hoary Mattekar Over-robe

Mattekar Hide -- --
Mattekar Hide Coat

Mattekar Hide Coat -- --
Furry Mattekar Hide Coat

Pristine White Mattekar Hide -- --
Balor's Robe

Swarthy Mattekar Hide -- --
Swarthy Mattekar Robe

See also Leather Crafter.

Lore & Dialog

Yi Yo-Jin tells you, "Will miracles never cease? The Hoary Mattekar has returned! A beautiful creature. And most people looking at it see nothing but a robe. Such a shame. Give me the hide."

Hoary Mattekar Robe

You give Yi Yo-Jin Hoary Mattekar Hide.
Yi Yo-Jin tells you, "Yes, the Hoary Mattekars are now back. Given the strangeness of creature migrations that have occurred over this past year, I would not be surprised were the Hoary to be a more permanent fixture on Dereth. Here is your robe."
You've earned 15,000 experience.
Yi Yo-Jin gives you Hoary Mattekar Robe.

Balor's Robe

You allow Yi Yo-Jin to examine your Pristine White Mattekar Hide.
Yi Yo-Jin rubs the fur between his fingers and peers closely at it.
Yi Yo-Jin tells you, "This is a rather unusual Mattekar hide. Hmm, the last time I saw fur like this was when I visited Linvak Tu..."
Yi Yo-Jin tells you, "No, No, No! I am not going to be responsible for making a robe out of this hide."
Yi Yo-Jin tells you, "What are you doing, trying to get me killed?"

You allow Yi Yo-Jin to examine your Pristine White Mattekar Hide.
You hand over 1 of your Pristine White Mattekar Hides.
Yo-Jin holds the hide up reverently and looks a bit scared.
Yi Yo-Jin tells you, "Well, I have Kresovus' permission to craft this hide now, but I'm still not sure I want to. You must be pretty important for Kresovus to allow this."
Yo-Jin hesitates and then begins his work, deftly cutting Balor's hide in the pattern for a robe.
Yi Yo-Jin gives you Balor's Robe.
Yi Yo-Jin tells you, "Here you are. I don't mind saying that this is some of my best work. Be careful with this, I'm not sure Kresovus would be so giving if you let it come to harm. Oh, and be tactful, don't wear this around Kresovus."

Swarthy Mattekar Robe

You give Yi Yo-Jin Swarthy Mattekar Hide.
Yi Yo-Jin tells you, "What's this? Warmer than the Hoary that is for sure. Hmm... This seems to be a mattekar who has adapted to a warmer climate. Interesting."
Yi Yo-Jin gives you Swarthy Mattekar Robe.
Yi Yo-Jin tells you, "The hide is a little tougher, though not meant for the cold. Against heat however, this should do quite nicely."

Mattekar Hide Coat

You give Yi Yo-Jin Mattekar Hide.
Yi Yo-Jin tells you, "It pains my heart to make such dowdy-colored armor. A pity this cannot be dyed."
Yi Yo-Jin gives you Mattekar Hide Coat.
Yi Yo-Jin tells you, "Have you tried dyeing any other armor yet? Be careful... if you do a poor job you might damage your armor, and that would certainly be dreadful!"

Furry Mattekar Hide Coat

You give Yi Yo-Jin Mattekar Hide Coat.
Yi Yo-Jin tells you, "Oh my! Will you just look at this drab old thing! I'll spruce it up for you and make you the star you were meant to be!"
Yi Yo-Jin gives you Furry Mattekar Hide Coat.

Hoary Mattekar Over-robe

You give Yi Yo-Jin Hoary Mattekar Robe.
Yi Yo-Jin tells you, "Yes, there's enough material here for me to let this out a bit... Very well, I'll just be a moment."
Yi Yo-Jin gives you Hoary Mattekar Over-robe.
Yi Yo-Jin tells you, "There you go. It'll fit over other armor pieces now."

Large Armoredillo Hide

You give Yi Yo-Jin Large Armoredillo Hide.
Yi Yo-Jin tells you, "Enjoy the armor! May it keep the burn off your back. Oh my! The plants are just all I can think about... It's a pity that I can't use them in my craft due to all the harsh chemicals I use."
Yi Yo-Jin gives you Armoredillo Hide Coat.

Enhanced Robe of the Tundra ("Hoory" Mattekar Robe Style)

You give Yi Yo-Jin Enhanced Robe of the Tundra.
Yi Yo-Jin tells you, "What is this? It seems to be a poorly modified robe made from the hide of a Tundra Mattekar... almost as if it was pulled directly off the creature with no care for crafting at all..."
Yi Yo-Jin gives you Enhanced Robe of the Tundra.
Yi Yo-Jin tells you, "I believe it's much more suitable if it looks like that."