Ystig Marson the Barkeeper
- Route: See Glenden Wood.
- Sells at 155%, buys at 90%.
Books, Paper
Item Price Glenden Dungeon Directions 16 Alphus Range Directions 16 Directions to Fort Witshire 16 Daiklos Legend 16 History of Fort Witshire 8 Plea for Help 16 Rumor of an Artifact 16 Duplicated Portals 16 Aluvian Cookbook 24 Specialty Cookbook 24 Chocolate Cookbook 24 Festival Cookbook 24 Alchemy Guide 24 The New Alchemy 24 Fletching Guide 24
Item Price Water 3 Cider 16 Mead 47 Small Beer 8 Stout 24 Fried Mushroom 28 Mushroom Pie 41 Pickled Egg 28 Pickled Fish 31
Cooking Items
Item Price Beer Stein 16
Lore & Dialog
Ystig Marson the Barkeeper tells you, "We finally cleaned up everything from the mess those Eaters made. They were true to their name too. I had to send runners to replace everything they ate, it cost me a fortune!"