Curmudgeon the Drudge
- Route: Teleportation Device
- Last appeared during live events (January 2005). Depending on the server he wanted help completing a number of quests to get Elysa's Favor, Baron's Amulet of Life Giving and the Doll Leader's Charm so he could give them to friends or his wife. If you successfully helped him you received the title Curmudgeon’s Friend and a Drudge Board with Nail inscribed by him. If you did such a good job of protecting him that he deemed you his "Special Friend" you received a Huggy Drudge Doll.
Lore & Dialog
Curmudgeon the Drudge tells you, "You kwest? Curmudgeon kwest. Curmudgeon plore Dereth." Curmudgeon the Drudge tells you, "Curmudgeon nu room of swirly for frend tu kwest. You on own if try Curmudgeon kewst."