Talk:Player Guides

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Neutrality & 1 guide vs. multiple

Some time ago jaclin_ff brought up the question of a leveling guide on the official turbine boards. You can view the topic here:

The conclusion I came to was that the leveling guide in its current form only presents a limited range of leveling options, mostly focused on dungeon grinding and assuming you can obtain tinkered gear from guildmates and/or want to use a buff bot instead of being self-sufficient.

In my opinion, the wiki as a whole should remain neutral on its opinions on various play styles, as long as they are within Turbine's guidelines in the ToS and CoC. Which means the fast paced, uber equipped dungeon grinding route of leveling should not be presented as the leveling guide, but rather a leveling guide.

I also believe that while the wiki should remain neutral, players should be free to share their ideas on how to level - or for that matter how do do anything else. We had had a similar discussion earlier regarding personal pages like fan fiction and various player's opinions on colosseum guides. The conclusion of that discussion was that completely personal pages (fan fiction, comics, etc) should be placed under the user's user page (e.g. User:An Adventurer/Fiction/Character Back-stories, User:Connorthecraftmaster/Connor's Adventures in Dereth) while player's opinions on general game strategy and such could remain in the main namespace, with the author's name added (e.g. An Adventurer's Role-Playing Guide, Tlosk's Colosseum Walkthrough)

This is what I feel should happen to the Leveling Guide page:

  • The current content should be moved to a player guide page if possible, probably Taomagicdragon's Leveling Guide, since he is credited as posting some of the initial info. Other players should feel free to write their own leveling guides named in the same fashion.
  • The Leveling Guide page should have links to all the various player opinion leveling guides.
  • The Leveling Guide page should only contain a guide if it remains neutral and presents many viewpoints. I started work on this at User:An_Adventurer/Sandbox_3#Leveling_Guide. If the 'official' guide cannot remain neutral, it should be removed and only links to player opinion guides should be presented.

--An Adventurer 17:53, 3 September 2009 (UTC)

I personally feel that *ALL* viable options should be listed as far as the leveling guide goes. That way, the player always has something to look at and they don't have to browse through a bunch of player-made pages that will likely overlap with each other... thus I think any personal guides should appear at the bottom of the page as links if included. Also, this way the information will in fact be neutral and complete at the same time.

All dungeons/quests should include a designation if it is harder, for example, for mages than it is for melees, something like *Melee Recommended*, the ebon gromnie kill task is a good example of this. Also, I think that quest or kill task methods of leveling should be separated from leveling dungeons/locations. The goal is to make information central and easy to access, is it not?

As far as buffbot usage goes, the page could exclaim this: "If you are using buffbots, increase your "level" by X amount.

--Connor the Craftmaster 17:53, 3 September 2009 (UTC)

I fully agree that this should give links to various guides. I'll set that up here in a few. If you'd like your guide added, please make a new page then link to it here.

Drayvock 04:17, November 30, 2009 (UTC)