User:An Adventurer/Guides/Leveling Guide

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Revision as of 20:07, 26 February 2011 by imported>An Adventurer
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The Learning From Experience event updated the experience rewards of nearly every quest in the game. Because of these updates, this page and its sub-pages may be out of date. You can view my progress in gathering updated information at An Adventurer's Quest List. When I have enough information I will be updating this guide.

--An Adventurer 07:07, 27 February 2011 (EST)

Leveling Guide

What this guide is

My guide has an emphasis on questing, completing content intended for your level range, and completing that content within your own means. It does not completely ignore the fact that patrons and allegiances will help lower level players, nor does it pretend that Asheron's Call is an entirely solo game. However, it does not assume that you will always be able to find players of equal level, nor that your patron/allegiance will always be able to help you out with buffs and equipment. If you enjoy questing solo or in small groups, and are more interested in exploring and having a fun time rather than grinding in dungeons, this guide is for you.

What this guide is not

This is not a guide that simply tells you where to farm for the highest exp. It does not assume that for the lowest levels, you will be using buff bots and powerful tinkered equipment. If you would rather repetitively kill Olthoi, Tuskers, Fiun, and Eaters for the fastest possible exp, this guide is not for you.

How to use this guide

With the exception of the Facility Hub Quests, this is not a list of quests that will quickly cover the given level range. It is assumed that you will repeat many of the quests when the timers have expired. My leveling guide is meant to be used together with my Quest Journal guide to easily keep track of the timers.

The various level ranges do not only include quests just for those levels. For example, the 50+ Quests section lists Aerbax's Prodigal Drudge, since it is common for newly 50+ characters to tag along on this quest. However, the quest's exp reward is useful well into the 200s. Be sure to browse though all sections of the guide, you may be surprised how rewarding some lower level quests can be.