User:Taomagicdragon/Guides/Society Guide/Chapter 3: The Stronghold

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Chapter 3: The Stronghold

Upon entering your stronghold you may notice two statues behind you, ignore those for now and instead head forward then down (either left or right, makes no difference) and you'll come to a cross section with each path leading to a different wing of the stronghold as well as a surface portal to the Northwest and an NPC that, when spoken to, will tell you if your society owns either fort (See Chapter 8). The following is which wing is which:

  • East - Tasks, Tests, and Traders.
  • South - Ribbon Turn-ins, Promotions, and Collectors.
  • West - Armour and a Tactician's game.

I'll review each wing in order.

East - Tasks, Tests, and Traders:

In this room you'll find many NPC's that you will eventually go to for various tasks to advance your rank in a society. You will also see NPC's that will assign to you an advancement test that, after doing enough tasks, will formally increase your rank. I will speak more in depth about these NPC's in Chapters 5 and 6.

The other attraction in this wing are the vendors along the West wall. You have, to the right, a Master Mage that sells all spell components up to Mana Scarabs (used to both cast and create level 8 spells), portal gems, one important one being a gem that summons a portal to the stronghold, as well as various alchemy items which include many items used in Gearcrafting. Left of them is another vendor whose main draw is selling the rest of the Gearcrafting items (excluding Major Armatures). The final vendor doesn't use pyreal and, instead, accepts Society Tokens that you earn by doing various quests for the Society. They sell:

  • Society Gem of Dispelling - 1 token: This gem removes all negative spells on you level 8 and lower.
  • "Society Name" Cloak - 50 tokens: This item can be used on a loot-generated cloak to give it a look matching the society's armour
  • "Society Name" Robe - 50 tokens: This item is only usable on a matching society breastplate to turn it into a society Over-Robe.
  • Society Breastplate Restorer - 5 tokens: This item reverses the any changes the "Society Name" Robe or the Society Breastplate Cloth Remover made.
  • Society Breastplate Cloth Remover - 5 tokens: This items removes the short cape off of the society breastplate as well as reverses the "Society Name " Robe.
  • "Society Name" Shield Covers - 50 tokens: There is a cover for each shield type:

Diamond Shield Shape
Large Round
Large Kite

Simply use whichever shape you want on your shield (can only use the Covenant/Olthoi covers on Covenant/Olthoi shields). You cannot remove the image via tailouring to apply it to a new shield.

  • "Society Name" Armor Writ - 25 tokens: More on this in Chapter 4.
  • Writ of Authorization - 50 tokens: More on this in the section covering the South wing.
  • "Society Name" Banner - 5 tokens: A house decoration that can be used on roof or yard hooks. It depicts the emblem of your society.
  • Major Item Tinkering Armature - 1 token: An item used in Item Tinkering that imbues an Augmented III spell onto a trinket at a 33% success rate (38% with the Charmed Smith Augmentation).

South - Ribbon Turn-ins, Promotions, and Collectors:

This area is less crowded but nonetheless just as important. To your right, you'll find a Commendations Officer who will take your Society Ribbons and, when you've turned in enough, will send you to the NPC that will give you an Advancement Test.

To the left of this NPC is a Society Stipend Officer who will give you, every 6 days, some useful items, more on this NPC in Chapter 9.

Down towards the Southern end of the room is your Promotions Officer who will reward you when you complete an advancement test. I will cover these tasks and tests in Chapter 5. Behind the Promotions Officer is a piece of flooring that channels Ley-Line energies, damaging anyone that stands on it.

To the left of the Promotions Officer is a Society Vault Keeper beside a number of chests. The only way to open these chests is with either a key given to you by the Promotions Officer for achieving a rank (including the key the society representative gave you upon becoming a member) or by handing the Vault Keeper a Writ of Authorization purchased by the Society Vendor in the East wing. There are four chests similar to the Mana Forge Chests; one for Armour, Spell Components, Weapons, and an even mix.

The final NPC is the Society Collector across from the Commendations Officer. He accepts rare items from the islands of Freebooter and Moarsman City, more on him in Chapters 6 and 7.

West - Armour and a Tactician's game:

This wing contains a row of chests and NPC's that allow you to turn in a Society Armor Writ for a key to their chest. More on this in Chapter 4. Across from them, to the South, is a Tactical Officer that allows Masters into a room where they can participate in a Tactician's Game and an Operation's Aid left of him that allows Masters to earn an Augmentation Gem but more on those in Chapter 9.

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