Category:Crippling Blow
The Crippling Blow property causes criticals to be multiplied by a factor based on the wielder's attack skill. Add Crippling Blow to a loot weapon using Magic Item Tinkering to apply a bag of Salvaged Fire Opal.
Melee Weapon Critical Multiplier = (Weapon Skill - 40)/60
Missile Weapon Critical Multipler = Weapon Skill/60
For example, with a base Sword skill of 400, a critical would be 6x the normal critical damage. And with a base Bow Skill of 360, a critical would be 6x the normal critical damage.
Note that the number of criticals (10% of hits) does not increase.
Pages in category "Crippling Blow"
The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.