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A major expansion pack for Asheron's Call 2 titled Asheron's Call 2: Legions was announced in October 2004 and was released on May 4, 2005. It included a new playable character race — the mythical Empyreans, and a major new landmass, Knorr. Players who pre-ordered the expansion were granted access to a second new character race, the Drudge at the time of the Legions launch. High-level gameplay was also revisited with the Hero 2.0 system and plentiful new content. wikipedia
Detailed Changes
Game Play Changes
- Empyrean playable race added
- Drudge playable race added
- New continent, Knorr
- Hero system updated: "Hero 2.0"
- Various changes to the Crafting System
- The max crafting level has been raised to player level 100.
- Class changes to: Alchemist, Zealot, Hivekeeper, Raider, Juggernaut, Elementalist, Tactician
- Changes to Moars quest, Bound Fetich, and other group incursions
- Various other quests had their levels and XP rewards adjusted
- Various Monster changes
- Pet changes
- Numerous GUI improvements
- Numerous bug fixes including: Tarot cards, Harmonic weapons, Pet pathing, Tumerok and Female Lugian appearance, shops, monster corpses, PVP, crafting, and many more
- Rubberbanding is greatly reduced
- Sound engine has received numerous improvements.
- improving framerate, memory usage and disk swapping for all players
- improvements to the calculation speed of monster AI
- Various armors made dyable
- Improved dances for Lugians, Humans
- The new /sit2 emote for Humans and Empyreans
See also:
- Detailed list of changes from Turbine
- "Related Patches" below