Falamar Hills

The exact location of the Falamar Hills is never described in detail. The famous early leader of the Gharu'ndim people, Musansayn, made peace with the Aluvians and arranged for his people to live west of the Falamar Hills. There, he founded Samsur in the Yushid Ridge, the first Gharu'ndim settlement.[1] An early map of Dereth places the Falamar Hills between Zaikhal and Glenden Wood, west of the Alphus Mountain Range.[2] This likely makes the Falamar Hills the line of dry dirt hills that divides the Plains of Gaerwel from the drier desert regions of Middle Osteth.
Points of Interest
- 1999/11 - Asheron's Call Manual, pg. 27
- 1999/?? - Lands of Asheron Magazine Tear-out