From the Darkness Born

August 2004 - Announcements Page
Turbine Announcements
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Release Notes
Letter to the Players
Town Crier Rumors
Town Crier tells you, "Monty seemed to be complaining about Ketnan and his guile the other day. I wonder what he meant."
Town Crier tells you, "I wonder if the High Queen means to rebuild Yanshi. The town has certainly been more bustling since the arrival of the Burun."
Town Crier tells you, "I cannot verify if it is true, but I've heard that Shimena Keep has been overrun."
Town Crier tells you, "Did you hear that we might make a treaty with the Mosswarts? Has the high Queen gone mad? Does she not remember what they did to Sir Candeth Martine?"
Town Crier tells you, "Be cautious if you plan to make your way to Aerlinthe Island. There are reports that tell of new menaces and challenges."
Town Crier tells you, "Have you been to the Direlands recently? I've heard that the swamp is starting to change. I wonder if it has anything to do with those big Burun that have been spotted. If I find that Kalazar..."
Town Crier tells you, "What color hair do you think Lady Aerfalle had, has, oh never mind?"
Town Crier tells you, "Town criers are available in most major towns to tell you of the latest news and events. We'll also give you a piece of information for a bit of money."
Town Crier tells you, "So I'm sure you've noticed that I haven't left this spot in nearly four years. Yeah it's a tough life, standing here all day. Sure... sometimes people are nice enough to give me Shackles of Obedience. But I was wondering... Need a patron?"
Town Crier tells you, "News! The Master Craftsmen of Glenden Wood have sent more of their young apprentices in the world. All those who wish to further their artisanal skills should contact the apprentices to discover what new crafting tests are available."
Town Crier tells you, "Just yesterday I saw someone run by with wings on his back. I don't know whether they were real, or merely something tacked on to the back of his armor. Maybe you should look into that."
Town Crier tells you, "Be cautious if you plan to make your way to Aerlinthe Island. There are reports that tell of new menaces and challenges."
Town Crier tells you, "I've heard tell that there is an eerie presence that now lurks the halls of Lady Aerfalle's Keep. I wonder if it is another malignant entity?"
Town Crier tells you, "An emissary of High Queen Elysa has taken up residence in the bar in Yanshi. Apparently she is looking for assistance in learning as much as we can about the new Burun and the growing threat that they pose."
Town Crier tells you, "Have you seen it!? It's huge! It smells foul and no one can seem to figure out what it is meant to be. But it was certainly made quickly and quietly. Those large Burun are very frightening if you ask me. You might want to stay out of the Direlands Swamp unless you are looking for trouble or worse."
Town Crier tells you, "Do you remember that little Mosswart fellow that was looking for help a little while back? Well, he's back. He's living in Yanshi and asking for our help. Apparently he has made some kind of deal with High Queen Elysa."
Town Crier tells you, "I've heard a rumor that the temple that was found last moon contains more than we originally found. I wonder if it is true?"
Town Crier tells you, "In my free time I've been undergoing the tests set forth by the Apprentice craftsmen. I'm well on my way to becoming a skilled fletcher! And my purse is filled with pyreal as well."
Town Crier tells you, "Just yesterday I saw someone run by with wings on his back. I don't know whether they were real, or merely something tacked on to the back of his armor. Maybe you should look into that."
New Quests
Updated Quests
New NPCs
New Locations
- Coral Tunnels
- Black Phyntos Hive
- Giant Phyntos Hive
- King Toad Idol
- King Toad Idol (Dungeon)
- Direlands Subway
Updated Locations
- Relic town now has more creatures
- The Keep now has more monsters
- Aerfelle is now guarded by higher level undead
- Mount Lethe now has magma flow leading to the peak
- Mount Lethe Hellfire now spawns at the top of Lethe and drops 10-12 infusions instead of 3
- Mount Esper updated with volcanic island in the middle of the lake
- Mu-Miyah Bunker at 36.1S, 81.0W updated with Shadow Spectres, Phantoms and Wraiths, Bane Grievvers and a Sturdy Steel Chest.
- Bunker at 44.5S, 83.4W updated with Undead Soldiers, Skeletal Mates, Skeletal Shaswbucklers, and an Undead Captain.
- The Fenmalain Menhir Ring near 46.2S 71.8W has been updated with a Tempest, Stasic, Corrosion and Strife Wisp and a few Enku Zefirs.
- The original Sclavus Cathedral (now Burun Cathedral) at 42.3S 52.6W has dead sclavus outside the portal.
- A small tumerok spawn near Candeth Keep, at 86.3S 70.3W updated with War Monger, Champions and Troopers.
- The old gromnie spawn at 88.0S, 62.1W updated to 4 brass and 1 copper gromnie.
- Two houses near 18.6S, 84.3W updated with Elite Revenants, Demilichs, Phantasms and Dark Masters and a Sturdy Steel Chest. A Direlands Subway is at the bottom near a Sturdy Steel Chest and a Runed Chest (Resistance 300).
New Items
Aerlinthe Updates
Ring of the Watchman | Sacrificial Dagger | Lady of Aerlinthe's Ornate Chest | Ornate Ashen Key | |||||
Aerfalle's Supreme Pallium | War Staff of Aerfalle | Superior Ashbane |
Bleeargh's Gratitude
Gromnie Rewards
Hidden Entrance
King Toad Idol Quest
Untranslated Writing | Note to Torgluuk | Of the Burun | A Carved Mosswart Statue | |||||
Unusable Scroll |
Updated Items and other Changes
- Hoary Mattekar Robe
- Swarthy Mattekar Robe
- Robe of the Tundra
- Canescent Mattekar Robe
- Life Scroll Icons Updated