Advanced Colosseum Arena

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See also: Colosseum

Colosseum Arena

Rare Run Walk Through

Posted on Frostfell vnboards by Absolution Date Posted: 1/28 11:31am Subject: Colosseum Walkthrough



The most important thing any group will need for a successful colosseum run is a group of 9 players who can work well together and follow directions. There are no set rules to beating the colosseum. This walkthrough is intended as a guide only. How your group succeeds is largely up to you.

This is by no means the only way to beat the colosseum. This is one way of many. Every group or clan has their own preferred method.


Specific templates are needed for many aspects of the colosseum with mages being the most prevalent. All characters should be maxed out in there offensive and defensive skills and attributes. You have to be able to deal damage on some of AC’s toughest mobs while taking minimal damage.

All templates can be useful in colosseum. There is literally something for everyone. The important part is assigning players to specific tasks that maximize their skills. Mages who can go racial are a definite bonus to the group and will make success easier.


Augmentations are important. At a minimum all players should have 1:15 minute buffs and the no spell drop on death aug. Of course multiple augmentations will only make it easier.


Weapons play a large role as well. All players should have max or near max tinked weapons in every variety.

Mages should have ALL the damage types in render wands as well as a good CS wand. They should also have Virindi slayer, Mukkir slayer on a Bludgeon Rend, Shadowfire, Undead slayer on Fire Rend, Olthoi Slayer wands, and Healers Heart. A nice highly tinked green garneted bludgeon rend wand is also nice to have for the TM’s. Mages who can go racial or have an alternate melee or archer attack should also bring some of these renders, AR (armor rend), and/or CS (critical strike).

Melees and Archers should have ALL damage types in render weapons as well as some specific weapons in AR (armor render) or CS.(critical strike) AR frost is critical. For some instances it will be helpful for melees to have a Ultimate Singularity Life wand. This is for occasions where they are assigned to cast life rings (Raven Fury). Healers Hearts are recommended in case you are assigned to heal.


Spells are the most important factor for colosseum. Mages, Melees, and Archers should have all beneficial buffing spells, banes, and restorative spells. There are also several war spells and life spells that are mandatory.

Mages should have the following additional spells: Tusker Fists, Raven Fury, All ring spells, Most, if not all wall spells.

Melees and Archers should have Raven Fury spell. When using Raven Fury, the Melee will be responsible for regaining their own health, unless someone is assigned as a healer beforehand.


Restoratives like Coral Hearts, Burning Coals, Beers, etc. etc. Can shave a lot of time overall. Bring all you have and don’t be shy with them. The time they save you, may be all you need to finish. Do not underestimate their value here.


Rares make the colosseum go round.

Mages should bring at a minimum 1 War rare, 1 Magic Resist rare, and 1 Melee Defense rare or their equivalents.

Melees and Archers should bring at a minimum 1 Magic Defense rare, 1 Melee Defense rare, 1 Skill rare, and 1 Blood Drinker rare. Life rares are helpful too and will be needed for melees or archer who are assigned to vuln at specific points.

Extra rares such as Mana Con for Mages or additional BD rares for Melees and Archers certainly will not hurt.


There are endless combinations of group make-ups for colosseum. This walkthrough will deal with 5 types and should work well with any of these combinations. There are ways to do it with fewer mages, but I don’t know them so this is what you get.

6 Mages, 2 Melee, and 1 Archer

6 Mages, 1 Melee, and 2 Archer

7 Mages, 1 Melee, and 1 Archer

7 Mages and 2 Melee

7 Mages and 2 Archer


Where you stand in colosseum is as important as anything else. Here is a list and explanation of the 5 formations used for this walkthrough and their in-game abbreviations:

BELL – In the bell formation all the mages space themselves evenly around the bell at a distance to where their war rings will just overlap. Melees and Archers will stay in the center of the bell during this formation. This formation allows Mages to ring non-stop and create maximum damage to any enemies that run towards them. Melees and Archer can play support in the middle while not drawing any creatures.

ROOM – In the room formation the entire group disperses evenly all around the room. Using the colored platform edges is a good guide. This formation allows Mages to fire streaks, arcs, or bolts anywhere in the room, and allows Melees and Archers to also attack anywhere it’s needed. In this formation there are a few rooms where mages can use Tusker Fists to do mega damage. The Mages can maneuver around the room and line targets up for maximum damage. This works very well in the C lord/Shard room and Ruschk room.

WW – Wall to Wall. Prior to the start of the colosseum run players will be assigned a wall. It will be East or West. In the WW formation each player will run to their assigned wall and line up a few paces from the south wall facing the opposite group. This allows the Mages to cast Tusker Fists from wall to wall and crush any enemies in between. This is one of the most used formations and does the most damage. Melees and Archers go to their assigned sides and play support or attack so long as they are not interfering with the Mage’s wall spells.

SW – In this formation all the players group loosely in the south west corner. This allows a spread or blanket fire into the room and brings the enemies to one part of the arena for easy disposal.

TRI – Triangle. This formation is used on the Tremendous Monouga’s only. The players go to their assigned walls. 2 Mages are assigned beforehand to go into the center of the room north of the bell. This will give the group at least 2 mages at each corner of the triangle. The mages to the east and west should remember to step away from the wall a little bit to allow more freedom of movement. The concept behind the triangle is to create the ability to shoot Tusker Fists to your left or your right. The triangle will give you a clear target in almost every cast. You can move side to side slightly to create a clearer shot.


ARENA 6 – Mosswart / Lugian & Mattekar

Mosswart -We start the arena in ROOM formation. Mages cast ONE streak spell at one Mosswart and then select another and cast streak again. Continue until room is clear. Melees and Archer attack at will.

Lugians & Mattekars - We move to BELL formation and Mages cast pierce rings with a pierce rending wand. Switch to arcs when only a few remain. Archers use pierce rend and attack at will and Melees cast Life rings or use pierce rend and attack any stragglers without disrupting the Mage’s ringing.

ARENA 7 – Eaters / Viamontians

Eaters – We start in BELL formation and Mages cast slash rings using a slash rending wand. Switch to Arcs when only a few remain. Archers use slash rend and attack at will. Melees use life rings or use slash rend and attack without disrupting the mage’s rings.

Viamontians – We move to ROOM formation and Mages cast Arcs using a lightning rending wand. Cast one Arc then select a new target and cast again. Continue until room is clear. Archers and Melee use Lightning rend and attack at will.

ARENA 8 – Dillos & Zefirs / C Lord & Minions & Shards

Dillos & Zefirs – We start out in SW formation. Mages imperil all the Dillos and Zefirs. Once all are imperiled switch to Arcs using slash rend or bludgeon rend. Archers and Melee target the imped Dillos and Zefirs using slash rend or pierce rend on dillos. If there are 1 or 2 mages who can go racial or have an alternate attack, they can attack with the Archer and Melees for this spawn.

C Lord & Minions & Shards - We move to ROOM formation here. Mages cast Tusker Fists with bludgeon rend non-stop. Make sure you line up multiple targets for mass damage. Archers use bludgeon rend to take out the satellite shards and minions. ALL Melee attack the C Lord when it spawns with bludgeon, pierce, or slash rend. We need at least 3 Melees on the C Lord so if necessary 1 or 2 Mages can go racial with the Melees.

ARENA 9 – Olthoi / Shadows

Olthoi – We start in WW formation. In the first spawn a group of grubs will spawn. Mages can shoot a few of these then switch to wall to wall casting Tusker Fists at the group across from you using bludgeon rend wands. Archers attack at will using bludgeon rend. Melees can attack using bludgeon rend or pierce rend but only when the Olthoi come to you. Avoid getting in the way of the Mage’s wall spells.

Shadows – Here we change to ROOM formation and Mages cast a fire wall spell or Tusker Fists right before the spawn using Shadowfire wands. Then the mages will cast Arcs at individual Shadows using Shadowfire wand. Target one enemy and shoot one Arc, then switch to a new target and do the same. Continue until room is clear. Archers and Melees attack at will with Shadowfire or fire rend weapons.

ARENA 10 – Sleeches / Ninjas

Sleeches – We start in SW formation. Mages cast Tusker Fists into the room in all directions using bludgeon rend wands. After the initial spawn, Mages will switch to Arc spells until the room is clear. Archers and Melee attack with bludgeon rend or pierce rend at will without disrupting the mage wall spells early on.

Ninjas – We move to ROOM formation. Mages can cast a wall or ring right before the initial spawn then switch to Arcs using lightning rend or acid rend. Shoot multiple Arcs at each enemy until target is dead, then move on to the next. Archers and Melee attack at will using lightning rend or acid rend. Melees can also cast Life rings here if there is a large group of enemies around them.

ARENA 11 – Tuskers & Virindi / Spirits

Tusker & Virindi – We start in BELL formation. Mages cast rings using fire rend wands non stop, then switch to Arcs when a few remain. If only virindi remain, quickly switch to your Sing wands (remember to switch back before the next spawn). Melees cast fire vuln on all the virindi and then cast imperil on all the virindi and switch to fire rend or Sing weapon once all are vulned/imped . Archers can target and attack the vulned/imped virindi as they are debuffed with fire rend or sing bow.

Spirits – We move to ROOM formation. Mages cast a wall spell or rings just prior to the spawn and then switch to Arcs using fire rend. Target one and cast one Arc, then select a new target and repeat. Melees and Archers attack at will using fire rend.

ARENA 12 – Ruschk / Mukkir

Ruschk - We start in ROOM formation. Mages cast Tusker Fists with bludgeon rend non-stop. Make sure you line up multiple targets for mass damage. Switch to Arcs when only a few remain. Archer and Melees attack at will using bludgeon rend, pierce rend, or slash rend.

Mukkir – We move to WW formation. Mages cast Tusker Fists non-stop at the opposite group using bludgeon rend with Mukkir slayer. Melees stay on your assigned wall and cast support spells like heal, stamina, or mana as needed. Archer kill at will using bludgeon, slash, or pierce rend with Mukkir slayer.

ARENA 13 - Ravager & Virindi / Lugian / Ursuin

Ravager & Virindi – Here we start in SW formation. Equipping Sing wands Mages cast imperil and frost rend on all Ravagers and then fire vuln the Virindi. Once ALL are vulned mages switch to Arcs and kill the Virindi. Melee attack the Ravagers with frost AR weapons. Once dead, switch to fire rend or sing weapon and help finish the Virindi. Archers shoot the Ravagers with AR bow and frost arrows (spectral preferred). Melee and Archers help with Virindi as needed after the Ravagers are dead. Mages help with the Ravagers using arcs if needed.

Lugian – We move to ROOM formation. Mages imp all the Lugians making sure not to miss any in the room. Melees and Archers kill at will using light rend. If a Mage or two can go racial here it will make the room much easier. A group of 5 impers and 4 killers is a good mix.

Ursuin – We stay in ROOM formation . Mages imp all the Ursuin making sure not to miss any in the room. Melees and Archers kill at will using fire rend. Again if a Mage or two can go racial it will make this room easier and faster.

ARENA 14 – Virindi / Olthoi

Virindi – EVERYONE USE MAGIC DEFENSE RARE - We start this room in SW formation. Mages equip Sing wands and target Quidox Virindi first. Mages fire vuln their selected target with fire rend and then shoot Arcs until it is dead, then switch to the next target and repeat. Melees move out from the wall a bit in an even formation and cast life rings (Raven Fury) over and over with the Life Sing wand. Keep yourself healed between rings (if you have a spare Life rare you can use it in the previous room in preparation for this). Archers will also move in with the Melee and cast life rings with the same instructions as the Melee. Use of a life rare in the previous room is not absolutely necessary, but will help quite a bit.

Olthoi – We move to WW formation. Mages cast Tusker Fists non-stop at the opposite group using bludgeon rend. Melees stay on your assigned wall and cast support spells like heal, stamina, or mana as needed. Archers kill at will using bludgeon rend.

ARENA 15 – Mosswart / Undead

Mosswart – We start in SW formation. Mages cast imperil on all targets. Once all are imped, then switch to Arcs using fire rend. Mages must focus on Gladiators. Melees kill at will with fire rend. Archers kill at will with fire rend.

Undead – MAGES USE WAR RARE. MELEE/ARCHER USE SKILL RARE – We move to BELL formation. Mages cast fire rings with fire rend wands with Undead slayer. Switch to Arcs when a few remain. Tusker Fists can also be used by a few mages here, but only if they have Undead slayer on a bludgeon rend wand. Also make sure if you use this technique you are not drawing too many away from the main attack. Melees can attack at will any that make it inside the ring with Undead fire rend or play support as needed. Archers kill at will with Undead fire rend.

ARENA 16 – Hands / Swarm Demons

Hands – We start in BELL formation. Mages cast lightning rings with lightning rend, then switch to Arcs when a few remain. Melee and Archers attack at will with lightning rend.

Swarm Demons – EVERYONE USE MELEE DEFENSE RARE - Start this spawn in BELL formation. The EAST side group will cast bludgeon vuln on all Demons. The WEST side group will cast decreptitude’s grasp on all Demons at the same time. Once ALL are vulned the group will split up and go to the WW formation. Mages will cast Tusker Fists non-stop with Olthoi slaying wands. Mages will switch to Arcs when a few remain. Melees will play support and heal, stamina, or mana as needed. Archers can attack at will using bludgeon rend.

ARENA 17 – Tuskers & Virindi / Penguins

Tuskers & Virindi – We start in BELL formation. Mages cast rings using fire rend wands non stop, then switch to Arcs when a few remain. If only Virindi remain, quickly switch to your Sing wands (remember to switch back before the next spawn). Melees cast fire vuln on all the Virindi and then cast imperil on all the Virindi and switch to fire rend or Sing weapon once all are vulned/imped . Archers can target and attack the vulned/imped Virindi as they are debuffed with fire rend or sing bow.

Penguins – We stay in BELL formation. Mages cast fire rings with fire rend wands, switch to Arcs when few remain. Melees and Archers attack at will with fire rend while not disrupting the Mage’s rings.

ARENA 18 – Tremendous Monouga / Guardians

TM’s – We start in the TRI formation. Mages using CS wands or specially tinked TM wands cast Tusker Fists at any open TM. Keep turning side to side to get clear shots. Melees and Archers cast bludgeon vuln, decreptitude’s grasp, imperil, and frost vuln on all TM’s in that specific spell order. Once all TM’s are fully vulned then the Melees and Archers may attack at will using frost AR weapons (spectral arrows for Archers preferred). Be sure not to impede the Mage’s wall spells,

Guardians – We move to SW formation. 2 Mages will be assigned to frost vuln, imperil, and fester all the guardians. Mages will use frost Arcs with CS wands. Melee will use AR frost weapons. Archers will use AR frost bows (spectral arrows preferred). Kill the guardians one at a time from the left to the right.



Arena 6 spawn 1 = ROOM – Fire Rend All

Arena 6 spawn 2 = BELL – Pierce Rend Mages – Light Rend Melee/Archer

Arena 7 spawn 1 = BELL – Slash Rend all

Arena 7 spawn 2 = ROOM – Lightning Rend All

Arena 8 spawn 1 = SW – Slash/Bludgeon Rend Mages – Bludgeon,Pierce,Slash Rend Melee/Archer

Arena 8 spawn 2 = ROOM – Bludgeon Rend All - Pierce is alternate

Arena 9 spawn 1 = WW – Bludgeon Rend All – Pierce is alternate

Arena 9 spawn 2 = ROOM – Shadowslayer All – Fire Rend is alternate

Arena 10 spawn 1 = SW – Bludgeon Rend All – Pierce, Slash Rend is alternate

Arena 10 spawn 2 = ROOM – Lightning or Acid Rend All

Arena 11 spawn 1 = BELL – Fire Rend All – Sing as needed

Arena 11 spawn 2 = ROOM – Fire Rend All

Arena 12 spawn 1 = ROOM – Bludgeon Rend All – Pierce, Fire is alternate

Arena 12 spawn 2 = WW – Mukkir Slayer Bludgeon Rend All – Slash is alternate

Arena 13 spawn 1 = SW – Sing wand Mages – Frost AR Melee/Archer

Arena 13 spawn 2 = ROOM – Light Rend All

Arena 13 spawn 3 = ROOM – Fire Rend All

Arena 14 spawn 1 = SW – MAG DEF RARE – Sing wand All

Arena 14 spawn 2 = WW = Bludgeon Rend All – Pierce is alternate

Arena 15 spawn 1 = SW – Fire Rend All

Arena 15 spawn 2 = BELL – WAR/SKILL RARE – Undead Fire Rend All

Arena 16 spawn 1 = BELL – Lightning Rend All

Arena 16 spawn 2 = BELL – WW – MELEE DEF RARE – Olthoi Slayer Mages – Bludgeon Rend Archers

Arena 17 spawn 1 = BELL – Fire Rend All – Sing as needed

Arena 17 spawn 2 = BELL – Fire Rend All

Arena 18 spawn 1 = TRI – CS Mages – Frost AR or CS Melee/Archer

Arena 18 spawn 2 = SW – CS Mages – Frost AR or CS Melee/Archer

Hope this helps some of you. Practice makes perfect and the better you get as a group the fewer rares you will need.