Aerlinthe Node Pyramid
Value: ??? 0 Burden Units
Aerlinthe Node Pyramid
Located at 84.1N 44.1E on the south beach of the west side of Aerlinthe Island . Either run around the harbor, around the island perimeter beach, or use Coral Tunnels to get across the harbor.
The pyramid's light is strengthening, but there will be a long way to go before it is restored. It has not yet reached half strength.
Search for Blighted Pyreal Golems on the north side of Aerlinthe Island , they drop Blighted Mana Crystals . Give their trophies to the Node, see A Field Guide to Tainted Nodes for details.
Updated during the Seeds of Corruption event, there are now stone Aerlinthe Gateways on the pyramids that will transport you to a Blight Lord's Lair when given 20 Blighted Mana Crystals .