Jewelry Sets

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Empyrean Rings Set

This set is made up of the five special rings that are given as rewards for winning the Colosseum. Being rings, only two can be worn at a time. Any combination of two rings will activate the bonus. The rings may be given to the Master Arbitrator, for 2 Colosseum Coins and 30% of your level, with a max of 140 million xp.

Adding an Empyrean Crystal upgrades a ring to its enhanced version. This also changes the person it is attuned to to whoever adds the Crystal (givable). So you can ivory an unwanted ring, give it to someone else, and if they upgrade it they can then use it.



Two Piece Bonus: Incantation of Armor Other (+250 Armor), Web of Resistance, Web of Defense, Web of Deflection

Carraida's Benediction Set

A retired set of jewelry, obtained by helping defend Asheron's tower from the forces of Grael.



Three Piece Bonus:

Epic Piercing Ward (+20% Piercing Protection)
Carraida's Benediction (+10% To Max Health)


  • The +10% to health spell does not stack with Asheron's Benediction from the preorder gem.
  • The name of the set refers to Carraida, the Queen of Haebrous, who was killed by Grael when he lead a slave revolt.