Night Club Shirt
(Redirected from Night Club Shirt 2006)
- Picked up in the Night Club, which opens up on the anniversary of Asheron's Call (Nov. 2nd).
- Until now, edition 2006 (7th Anniversary), 2007 (8th anniversary), 2008 (9th anniversary), 2009 (10th anniversary), 2010 (11th anniversary) and 2011 (12th anniversary) are available.
- No ACIDs or palettes for these items could be determined with any known plugins.
7th Anniversary (2006)
8th Anniversary (2007)
9th Anniversary (2008)
10th Anniversary (2009)
11th Anniversary (2010)
12th Anniversary (2011)
14th Anniversary (2013)
- Although the description says it covers the upper arms, it does not visually
- During the Master of Design event, these shirts no longer cover the Abdomen.
- During the Present Dilemma event, the 8th, 11th and 12th anniversary shirts were fixed so the short sleeves now display correctly.
- During the Fowl Play event, the 14th anniversary shirts can now be picked up by all characters..