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'''August 2003''' - [[Announcements - 2003/08 - Into the Darkness |Announcements Page]]
== Turbine Announcements ==
== Turbine Announcements ==
=== Teaser Images ===
{{Patch Announcements Links
|  Current = None
| Original =
|  Archive = Announcements - 2003/08 - Into the Darkness#Teaser
Click image for full size version.
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File:Teaser 200308JackCat.jpg|[ Maggie the Jackcat]
=== Teaser ===
=== Teaser ===
"High Priestess?" The whisper-soft hiss echoed off the walls of the earthen tunnel.
{{Patch Announcements Links
|  Current =
| Original =
|  Archive = Announcements - 2003/08 - Into the Darkness#Teaser

"What is it, Issk?" Nuhmudira looked at her protege, closing the book she had been reading over her forefinger so as to not lose her place. She was dressed in her midnight blue and white robes, overseeing the construction of tunnels that stretched deep into the world.
=== Release Notes ===
{{Patch Announcements Links
|  Current =
| Original =
|  Archive = Announcements - 2003/08 - Into the Darkness#Release Notes

"We have reached the inner chamber. So, too, have the virindi."  Issk, a chomu sclavus, bowed his head and spread his hood wide. The gesture was an honorific offered only to the High Priestess of the faith. "She who sings" was due this reverence, especially when the news her underling delivered was disheartening. He awaited a response.
=== Letter to the Players ===
{{Patch Announcements Links
|  Current =
| Original =
|  Archive = Announcements - 2003/08 - Into the Darkness#Letter to the Players

"Send your best warriors to deter their progress. I will sing for assistance." She opened the book and watched as Issk rose to leave her presence. She called after him. "Issk, once warriors are in place, climb to the surface and recruit others to our cause." In her left hand, a new, simple-looking book appeared. "Give them this book. It will explain our cause more fully. The Isparians may question why I send you to speak to them, but they must be made to know that Aerbax means ill with his goals."
=== PKLite ===
{{Patch Announcements Links
|  Current = None
| Original =
|  Archive = Announcements - 2003/08 - Into the Darkness#PKLite

Issk took the book, bowing his head and flourishing his hood once again.
== Discoveries ==
=== [[Town Crier]] Rumors ===
<font color=darkgoldenrod>
:Town Crier tells you, "...and a warrior came forth bearing the mark of Light upon him. He carried, in his hand, the rays of the sun crafted into steel. A blade with a purpose in the hands of a virtuous heart brings hope where there is none. The Light has been found again."

:Town Crier tells you, "Aerbax and Nuhmudira seem to be at each other's throats. I wonder what this will mean for the refugees of Yanshi."

Alatar is going to have a fit. That was Antius' first thought as he cleared the ridge and looked down into the valley. All of the existing maps of the area would need to be changed.
:Town Crier tells you, "Has it been over a year since the destruction of Yanshi? I can't help but think of that poor jeweler who never returned to the Lifestone with the rest of the town's folk..."

The first terrified reports had come from the Sennon Valley and Hand-on-Sword settlements. Almost overnight, trees and grass had died, replaced by enormous mushrooms and other fungal growths. The whole area was now a twisted wasteland, utterly alien in the pale moonlight.
:Town Crier tells you, "I can't wait until I have done enough for Candeth Keep to be recognized as a founder. I hear the shops there are exquisite!"

If we can't stop them, all of Dereth will look like this. It was a sobering thought.  He might have speculated further, had he not been frozen by the chittering sound behind him. Antius turned slowly, looking up at the blue-black armor, the burgundy eyes, the pincers poised to attack. One hand reached into his pocket for two of the gems that Ciandra had prepared for him, and he mentally thanked the Arcanum for their work. As he crushed the stones and their magic exploded around him, he drew his sword in a flash and lunged.
:Town Crier tells you, "I hear word that the keep in the South Dires is almost completed. Merchants from all three races of the alliance have moved in to provide adventurers with supplies and places of rest."

:Town Crier tells you, "I heard from Alatar Locke recently... he was upset that he had to redo some of his oldest notes... something about some carved caves?"

"...capable of boiling the most corrosive of materials I have ever seen." Hiro grumbled, crumbling a sprig of henbane into a bubbling concoction. "I'll be, it did work. Do you see that, Ciandra? Who would have ever thought?"  
:Town Crier tells you, "I never thought I'd see the day where Alchemists would be smiling again."

Ciandra smiled and turned back to her class.
:Town Crier tells you, "I voted for Locke Ridge..."

"With the discovery of aqua vitae, we have ushered in a new era for alchemy on Dereth. I will be collating the notes for this latest find and distributing them as I can. Please, remain vigilant in your research and remember to turn in your findings to either myself or Hiro." She dismissed the class and pocketed the gem.
:Town Crier tells you, "I was worried when the Olthoi first began to congregate in the north, but now they have twisted the land into their own! This can only mean bad things for us."

:Town Crier tells you, "I'm trusting in the good faith of the populace to keep me well protected. I figure now that you can craft your own protections I might just be safe on my walkabouts."

"Garsh has failed." Niarltah said across the large stone table.
:Town Crier tells you, "I've heard tell that all but one of the potions we once used for casting spells is used in crafting new protective stones."

"So too have your heroes." Muldaveus leaned forward, speaking directly at the leader of the tumeroks. "Our forces were routed despite being well provisioned and prepared." He leaned back as the tumerok leader nodded in agreement. "The question now is, what do we do next?"
:Town Crier tells you, "I've heard tell that High Queen Elysa is forming an expedition to enter the tunnels deep beneath Asheron's Island. I wonder if there is any truth to it."

"When I led the massacre at Holtburg, so many years ago, it was only through tenacity and perseverance that I was able to bring my troops to victory. Even then, one Isparian proved to be a difficult foe for many. I have not forgotten those days." Niarltah paused. "Redouble our efforts. We have chosen our place for victory; winning at Fort Tethana will make that battle all the easier. If we fail at Tethana, there are always other options, newer options."
:Town Crier tells you, "I've heard that one of Asheron's emissaries has been spotted in Yanshi. Perhaps he is there keeping the peace."

"Yes," the gray giant agreed, then drew in a quick breath. "But what of the olthoi?"
:Town Crier tells you, "Iquba's tavern in Qalabar's been awfully crowded these days, but no one seems to be buying any ale, just examining some strange keys."

"For the moment they are of little concern. The ona I sent to track the whereabouts of the olthoi hives will return to us and warn us of how great the threat is. Let us focus upon the task at hand, Muldaveus."
:Town Crier tells you, "In the Halls of Lost Light the Guardian has stirred and the sword glows brighter now than ever. Perhaps this is an omen of things to come. Perhaps it is a sign that even in this growing darkness there is still hope."

Niarltah stood and walked across the room toward an enclave of great tumerok and lugian warriors. Muldaveus rose and followed close behind.
:Town Crier tells you, "It seems as though the Gotrok Lugians and their Renegade Tumerok comrades are continuing to siege Fort Tethana."

:Town Crier tells you, "Our refusal to speak last month was for our own reasons. We're underpaid and it's as though our voices are no longer heard. Many of us decided that we'd be silent for a cycle of the moons in protest. Did it work?"

Elysa stood on a balcony, unable to sleep. She saw nothing in the night but stars� Alb'arel was behind her and Rez'arel had not yet risen. And yet she knew that, somewhere in the night, Asheron was instructing his golems to repair the damage done to his tower. Somewhere in the night, Antius scouted the new hives on her command. Somewhere in the night, in the darkness...the olthoi waited.
:Town Crier tells you, "Rumors persist that the Harbinger is reforming much more quickly. If it's true what more could we possibly face. We have the Renegade Tumeroks, the Gotrok Lugians, Aerbax, Olthoi and now a thing that is an elemental force. It's good to see that Nuhmudira is doing something about it over there. Of course... it would be better if she didn't have a Sclavus speaking for her."

She remembered the weight of the quiver on her shoulder, the feel of the bow in her hand. She remembered the horror of the Queen's hive, over a decade past now, remembered watching Thorsten die. She had thought that it would be over, that her people would never face such a nightmare again.  
:Town Crier tells you, "Some adventurers came back from the stronghold northwest of Mount Esper the other day -- they reported that it'd gotten much more difficult. Something about new monsters moving in! They were going to check two other dungeons, but I don't remember which ones."

So naive, so wrong! The olthoi were coming, and now she would have to take her people into the darkness once again.
:Town Crier tells you, "Swear to me or die! Ha, ha, just joking. Who would be that cruel?"

:Town Crier tells you, "The Tumeroks have grown a huge tree in the center of Candeth Keep. They say that it's the heart of the city. Supposedly they can talk to it or some such nonsense. Don't get me wrong, I respect their beliefs, I'm just not sure I believe them."

A single claw reached over a shoulder and unfastened the mask; three tentacles stretched out to drag along the corridor of the newly constructed tunnel. A consul, independent entity Vincadi, made his way to where Aerbax stood. As Aerbax watched Vincadi in the tunnels, the mirror spoke to him from the energy source.
:Town Crier tells you, "There are rumors of new Olthoi hives in the North! I do hope all the homeowners there have a Horn of Vigilance... Available, by the way, at all sellers named Coron Usgin in Zaikhal. Guaranteed to keep Olthoi away! At least, uh, I think they are. Well, I believe you can return it to Coron Usgin if not satisfied, a one hundred percent pyreal-back guarantee! I think..."

"Master Aerbax. Flesh being Nuhmudira has acquired the objective's locality. The tunnels of the flesh beings fill with a force set to invade our current position."
:Town Crier tells you, "They have infested most of the world, and now the Olthoi have begun to blight our lands. And to make matters worse, it looks as though they are beginning to establish new hives in the Olthoi North!"

It requires more power to make the shift to the Singularity. Collect the specimen at any cost and fulfill your goal. You have progressed well. Do not allow a failure now.
:Town Crier tells you, "Yanshi has suddenly become popular again. I've heard that a Virindi and a Sclavus have taken up in the ruins, professing their allegiance to new leaders. I can only see ill coming from this."

"Our progress astounds even those who cannot comprehend our undertaking. See that the flesh beings are shackled. We will achieve our objective." The claw replaced the mask and the tentacles retreated beneath his tattered cloak. "I will bring forth the fleshless eyes. Vincadi, recruit the flesh beings to our cause and conduct your research, as well."
:Town Crier tells you, "Yeah, we're all talking again. But the truth of the matter is that we're still unhappy. Tumeroks and Lugians standing by our side! Ha! Tell them to leave us alone in the wilderness, then we'll talk peace."</font>

Vincadi's mask tilted slightly. "You believe that the meatbags will assist us?"
=== [[Ulgrim]] Rumors ===
No new messages this month.
=== New UI and Game Changes ===
* [[Alchemy Gems]] introduced! You can now craft gems that cast life protection spells. See the August [[Announcements - 2003/08 - Into the Darkness#Letter to the Players|Letter to the Players]] for details of these new effects.
* NPCs have finally moved into the Direlands Stronghold [[Candeth Keep]].
* The classic quest, [[Sword of Lost Light Quest|The Sword of Lost Light]], has been updated with a number of changes.

Is it wise to rely upon flawed beings to accomplish your work?
=== New [[Quests]] ===
* [[Fine Olthoi Armor]]
* [[Good Olthoi Armor]]

The questions came simultaneously and were parsed to different receptors. His answer came swiftly and without difficulty, "The 'meatbags' have proven ever predictable and reliable in assisting a cause they know nothing of. They will assist us, as they have before."
==== Live Events ====
* [[2003/08 - Renegade Siege]]: [[Renegade Gotrok]] join the rest of the forces near [[Fort Tethana]].
:<font color=gray>Renegade Gotrok says, "As I have often heard your kind mutter, "Bring it."</font>

==== Updated Quests ====
* [[Gelidite Library Quest]] - Now non-repeatable
* [[Harbinger Quest]] - New quest mechanic and rewards:
** You now choose to side with either [[Aerbax]] or [[Nuhmudira]] by flagging with them using special "Harbinger Items".
** The Harbinger is now found at the end of a more challenging dungeon named [[Tunnels to the Harbinger]].
** Old rewards can still be obtained by handing the token to the [[Emissary of Asheron (Yanshi)|Emissary of Asheron]].
* [[Shadow Captain's Heaume Quest]]
* [[Sword of Lost Light Quest]] - Many of the quest items have been updated.
* [[Sword of Lost Hope Quest]] - Sword has new stats and artwork.
* [[Lady Aerfalle Quest]] - The three infusions from the volcanoes can now be given to [[Lilly of Glenden Wood]] for xp.

=== New [[NPCs]] ===
* [[Emissary of Asheron (Yanshi)]] - Returns to [[Yanshi]]
* [[Grawalda the Peddler]] - Inside [[Dungeon Manor]]
* [[Issk]] - 12.9S, 46.5E, in [[Old Yanshi]]
* [[Vincadi]] - 12.6S 46.7E in [[Old Yanshi]]
* [[Candeth Keep]] NPCs
** [[Agent Dravos]]
** [[Aun Amanaualuan the Elder Shaman]]
** [[Aun Gunditealuan the Marksman]]
** [[Aun Oreilauri the Healer]]
** [[Aun Xathurea the Leather Crafter]]
** [[Gate Guard]]
** [[Gilly]]
** [[Odvik the Inn Keeper]]
** [[Pagrok the Stone Collector]]
** [[Rkos the Armorer]]
** [[Ry'zir al-Nabit]]
** [[Sentry (Candeth Keep)]]
** [[Tunlok Weapons Master]]
** [[Tyokai Renjiro the Grocer]]
** [[Ulna bint-Fasha the Ivory Crafter]]
** [[Yukara Miko the Collector]]

==== Updated NPCs ====
* [[Lilly of Glenden Wood]] - Now accepts infusions (SOLL, SOLH) in exchange for experience.

=== Letter to the Players ===
=== New [[Locations]] ===
* [[Candeth Keep]] - Construction completed and town is now active.
** [[Tree Portal]] - 87.5S, 67.2W
** [[88.6S, 66.8W - Meeting Hall Style Building|Meeting Hall Style Building]] - 88.6S, 66.8W, contains South Dires portal.
** [[Lifestone]] - 88.9S, 67.3W
* [[Olthoi Brood Hive (40+)]] - 66.5N, 70.6E & 71.2N, 60.3E
* [[Olthoi Brood Hive (60+)]] - 60.2N, 61.2E & 51.8N, 59.8E
* [[Tunnels to the Harbinger (Issk)]] - 12.9S, 46.5E, in [[Old Yanshi]]
* [[Tunnels to the Harbinger (Vincadi)]] - 12.6S 46.7E in [[Old Yanshi]]
==== Updated Locations ====
===== Dungeons =====
* [[Olthoi North]] - Landscape is now severely blighted by the olthoi presence, with far less vegetation and lots of purplish thatch.
* [[Carved Cave]] - Portal moved from 72.1N, 35.6W to 7.4N, 0.6E near Al-Jalima. In addition, the Level 17+ restriction was removed and a portal to the [[Halls of the Lost Light]] was added.
* [[Chakron Gate]] - Updated with Assailers, Telumiat Hollow Minions and Virindi Inquisitors, Virindi Preceptors and Virindi Adjudicators
* [[Dungeon Manor]] - Updated with Drudge Slaves and Desert Rats
* [[Holtburg Dungeon]] - Updated with Drudge Slaves 12 & 14, Sandy Armoredillo, Spikey Armoredillo, Jade Gromnie, and Swamp Rats.
* [[Matron Hive South]] -  Now levels 20-50
* [[Matron Hive West]] - Now levels 60-90
* [[Shade Stronghold]] - Updated with Tenebrous and Sinister Shadows and Destroyer Grievvers
* [[Sepulcher of the Hopeslayer]] - Now has Bile Grievvers and new Shadows. No longer recallable.
* [[Rithwic Crypt]] - Updated with Mire Phyntos Wasps, Hunter Shreths, Desert Rats
* [[Shoushi Grotto]] - Updated with Drudge Slaves, Hunter Shreth and Swamp Rats
* [[Yanshi Tunnels]] - Updated with Drudge Slaves
* [[Yaraq Tunnels]] - Updated with Drudge Slaves and Desert Rats

===== Points of Interest =====
* [[72.1N, 35.6W - Banderling Cave]] - The original location of the Carved Cave portal, now populated with Banderlings and has a Runed Chest and Direlands Midland Portal.
* [[72.2N, 36.1W - Zefir Tower]] - Creatures updated, chest updated to a Sturdy Steel Chest.
* [[47.5S, 85.3W - Plasma Golem Squares]] - Creatures updated and runed chest added.
* [[47.6S, 86.3W - Drudge Tower]] - Updated with Bloodletters, Unconquered, Cabalist, Peerless and Murk Drudges along with a Sturdy Steel Chest.
* [[50.5S, 53.6W - Lugian Cave]] - Creatures updated. (unconfirmed for this event)

== Discoveries ==
=== New [[Items]] ===
=== [[Town Crier]] Rumors ===
{{Item Table|Caption=[[2003/08 - Renegade Siege]] ''(Live Event)''
| Tumerok Hunting Brace
{{Item Table|Caption=[[Harbinger Quest]] Update
| Natural Order
| Experimentation
{{Item Table|Caption=[[Alchemy Gems]]
| The New Alchemy
| Aqua Vitae
| Crucible
| Crucible with Stibnite Potion
| Crucible with Quicksilver Potion
| Crucible with Cadmia Potion
| Crucible with Verdigris Potion
| Crucible with Brimstone Potion
| Crucible with Colcothar Potion
| Crucible with Turpeth Potion
| Crucible with Cobalt Potion
| Crucible with Vitriol Potion
| Crucible with Cinnabar Potion
| Crucible with Gypsum Potion

{{Item Table|Caption=[[Alchemy Gems]]: Level III
=== [[Ulgrim]] Rumors ===
| Stibnite and Eyebright Crucible
| Quicksilver and Eyebright Crucible
| Cadmia and Eyebright Crucible
| Verdigris and Eyebright Crucible
| Brimstone and Eyebright Crucible
| Colcothar and Eyebright Crucible
| Turpeth and Eyebright Crucible
| Cobalt and Eyebright Crucible
| Vitriol and Eyebright Crucible
| Cinnabar and Eyebright Crucible
| Gypsum and Eyebright Crucible
| Treated Stibnite and Eyebright Crucible
| Treated Quicksilver and Eyebright Crucible
| Treated Cadmia and Eyebright Crucible
| Treated Verdigris and Eyebright Crucible
| Treated Brimstone and Eyebright Crucible
| Treated Colcothar and Eyebright Crucible
| Treated Turpeth and Eyebright Crucible
| Treated Cobalt and Eyebright Crucible
| Treated Vitriol and Eyebright Crucible
| Treated Cinnabar and Eyebright Crucible
| Treated Gypsum and Eyebright Crucible
| Gem of Lesser Protection
| Gem of Lesser Piercing Protection
| Gem of Lesser Blade Protection
| Gem of Lesser Bludgeon Protection
| Gem of Lesser Acid Protection
| Gem of Lesser Cold Protection
| Gem of Lesser Fire Protection
| Gem of Lesser Lightning Protection
| Gem of Lesser Regeneration
| Gem of Lesser Rejuvenation
{{Item Table
| Gem of Lesser Mana Renewal
{{Item Table|Caption=[[Alchemy Gems]]: Level IV
| Stibnite and Henbane Crucible
| Quicksilver and Henbane Crucible
| Cadmia and Henbane Crucible
| Verdigris and Henbane Crucible
| Brimstone and Henbane Crucible
| Colcothar and Henbane Crucible
| Turpeth and Henbane Crucible
| Cobalt and Henbane Crucible
| Vitriol and Henbane Crucible
| Cinnabar and Henbane Crucible
| Gypsum and Henbane Crucible
| Treated Stibnite and Henbane Crucible
| Treated Quicksilver and Henbane Crucible
| Treated Cadmia and Henbane Crucible
| Treated Verdigris and Henbane Crucible
| Treated Brimstone and Henbane Crucible
| Treated Colcothar and Henbane Crucible
| Treated Turpeth and Henbane Crucible
| Treated Cobalt and Henbane Crucible
| Treated Vitriol and Henbane Crucible
| Treated Cinnabar and Henbane Crucible
| Treated Gypsum and Henbane Crucible
| Gem of Protection
| Gem of Piercing Protection
| Gem of Blade Protection
| Gem of Bludgeon Protection
| Gem of Acid Protection
| Gem of Cold Protection
| Gem of Fire Protection
| Gem of Lightning Protection
| Gem of Regeneration
| Gem of Rejuvenation
{{Item Table
| Gem of Mana Renewal
{{Item Table|Caption=[[Alchemy Gems]]: Level V
| Stibnite and Amaranth Crucible
| Quicksilver and Amaranth Crucible
| Cadmia and Amaranth Crucible
| Verdigris and Amaranth Crucible
| Brimstone and Amaranth Crucible
| Colcothar and Amaranth Crucible
| Turpeth and Amaranth Crucible
| Cobalt and Amaranth Crucible
| Vitriol and Amaranth Crucible
| Cinnabar and Amaranth Crucible
| Gypsum and Amaranth Crucible
| Treated Stibnite and Amaranth Crucible
| Treated Quicksilver and Amaranth Crucible
| Treated Cadmia and Amaranth Crucible
| Treated Verdigris and Amaranth Crucible
| Treated Brimstone and Amaranth Crucible
| Treated Colcothar and Amaranth Crucible
| Treated Turpeth and Amaranth Crucible
| Treated Cobalt and Amaranth Crucible
| Treated Vitriol and Amaranth Crucible
| Treated Cinnabar and Amaranth Crucible
| Treated Gypsum and Amaranth Crucible
| Gem of Improved Protection
| Gem of Improved Piercing Protection
| Gem of Improved Blade Protection
| Gem of Improved Bludgeon Protection
| Gem of Improved Acid Protection
| Gem of Improved Cold Protection
| Gem of Improved Fire Protection
| Gem of Improved Lightning Protection
| Gem of Improved Regeneration
| Gem of Improved Rejuvenation
{{Item Table
| Gem of Improved Mana Renewal
{{Item Table|Caption=[[Alchemy Gems]]: Level VI
| Stibnite and Frankincense Crucible
| Quicksilver and Frankincense Crucible
| Cadmia and Frankincense Crucible
| Verdigris and Frankincense Crucible
| Brimstone and Frankincense Crucible
| Colcothar and Frankincense Crucible
| Turpeth and Frankincense Crucible
| Cobalt and Frankincense Crucible
| Vitriol and Frankincense Crucible
| Cinnabar and Frankincense Crucible
| Gypsum and Frankincense Crucible
| Treated Stibnite and Frankincense Crucible
| Treated Quicksilver and Frankincense Crucible
| Treated Cadmia and Frankincense Crucible
| Treated Verdigris and Frankincense Crucible
| Treated Brimstone and Frankincense Crucible
| Treated Colcothar and Frankincense Crucible
| Treated Turpeth and Frankincense Crucible
| Treated Cobalt and Frankincense Crucible
| Treated Vitriol and Frankincense Crucible
| Treated Cinnabar and Frankincense Crucible
| Treated Gypsum and Frankincense Crucible
| Gem of Greater Protection
| Gem of Greater Piercing Protection
| Gem of Greater Blade Protection
| Gem of Greater Bludgeon Protection
| Gem of Greater Acid Protection
| Gem of Greater Cold Protection
| Gem of Greater Fire Protection
| Gem of Greater Lightning Protection
| Gem of Greater Regeneration
| Gem of Greater Rejuvenation
{{Item Table
| Gem of Greater Mana Renewal
{{Item Table|Caption=[[Trophies]] (Harbinger Quest Items)
| Banderling Aggressor Scalp
| Banderling Predator Scalp
| Banderling Antagonist Scalp
| Banderling Slayer Scalp
| Banderling Savage Arm
| Banderling Bone Ring (Trophy)
| Bloodletter Drudge Charm
| Drudge Cabalist Charm
| Drudge Sage Charm
| Peerless Drudge Charm
| Essence of a Phantasm
| Gloom Drudge Charm
| Murk Drudge Charm
| Mutilator Head
| Mystic Drudge Charm
| Plate Armoredillo Hide
| Slasher Reedshark Hide
| Reaper Reedshark Hide
| Rendeath Shreth Hide
| Gauloth Shreth Hide
| Bloodthirsty Monouga Idol
| Merciless Monouga Idol
| Insidious Monouga Idol
| Skull of a Skeletal Hero
| Skull of a Dark Master
| Primeval Skeleton Shin Bone
| Telumiat Hollow Minion Essence

{{Item Table|Caption=[[Fine Olthoi Armor]]
| Brood Matron Adolescent Tail
| Brood Matron Adolescent Tarsus
| Brood Matron Adolescent Tibia
| Brood Queen Adolescent Carapace
| Brood Queen Adolescent Claw
| Brood Queen Adolescent Crest
| Brood Queen Adolescent Femur
| Brood Queen Adolescent Head
| Brood Queen Adolescent Metathorax
| Fine Olthoi Sollerets
| Fine Olthoi Greaves
| Fine Olthoi Bracers
| Fine Olthoi Pauldrons
| Fine Olthoi Breastplate
| Fine Olthoi Girth
| Fine Olthoi Tassets
| Fine Olthoi Gauntlets
| Fine Olthoi Brood Queen Helm

{{Item Table|Caption=[[Good Olthoi Armor]]
=== New [[Quests]] ===
| Young Brood Matron Tail
| Young Brood Matron Tarsus
| Young Brood Matron Tibia
| Young Brood Queen Carapace
| Young Brood Queen Claw
| Young Brood Queen Crest
| Young Brood Queen Femur
| Young Brood Queen Head
| Young Brood Queen Metathorax
| Good Olthoi Sollerets
| Good Olthoi Greaves
| Good Olthoi Bracers
| Good Olthoi Pauldrons
| Good Olthoi Breastplate
| Good Olthoi Girth
| Good Olthoi Tassets
| Good Olthoi Gauntlets
| Good Olthoi Brood Queen Helm

{{Item Table|Caption=[[Sturdy Steel Keyring]]
| Coral Heart
| Sturdy Steel Keyring

{{Item Table|Caption=[[Texts]]
=== New NPCs ===
| Felscuda the Scholar

==== Updated Items ====
* {{Icon Link|Asheron's Supreme Raiment}}
** [[Moderate Endurance]] spell added as a random cantrip
* {{Icon Link|Empyrean Scalemail Shirt}}
** [[Unenchantable]] property removed
** AL increased from 120 to 150
** Spells updated.
* {{Icon Link|Melee Defense Tattoo}}
** [[Moderate Invulnerability]] spell added
* {{Icon Link|Obsidian Dagger}}
** Modifiers: +5% attack, +5.0% melee
* {{Icon Link|Virindi Profatrix Mask}}
** New artwork.
* {{Icon Link|Shadow Captain's Heaume}}
** AL increased from 220 to 250.
** BU reduced from 2,100 to 500
** [[Impenetrability V]] increased to level VI, [[Magic Yield Other IV]] removed.
* {{Icon Link|Ulgrim's Golden Gromnie}}
** Can no longer be picked up (again).
* {{Icon Link|Virindi Servant's Amulet}}
** New spells: [[Minor Mana Conversion Prowess]], [[Moderate Item Enchantment Aptitude]].
** [[Exhaustion Other V]] removed.
* {{Icon Link|Virindi Singularity Key}}
**  Can now be given (uncarved) to [[Aun Mareura the Collector]] in [[Timaru]] for 25k xp and a [[Plentiful Healing Kit]] (Blue Kit).
* {{Icon Link|Superior Shield}}
** New artwork
** AL updated from 20 to 120.
** Spells added: [[Impenetrability IV]], [[Sword Mastery Self IV]], [[Invulnerability Self IV]].
* {{Icon Link|Sword of Lost Light}}
** New artwork
** Damage increased from 7 - 13 to 9 - 18
** Modifiers: +5% Attack, +5% Melee added.
** Spells changed from [[Blood Drinker V]], [[Swift Killer IV]], [[Quickness Other IV]] to [[Defender IV]], [[Blood Drinker IV]], [[Swift Killer III]], [[Heart Seeker IV]].
** Sword skill req. changed from 280+ to 150+.
{{Item Table|Caption=Text updates
| A note from Iquba
| A Note from Tibri
| Rumor (Dungeons)
| Rumor (Keys)
| A torn note
| An odd note
| Crumpled Note
| An old note (Lich Archmage)
| An old note (Monougas)
| Dungeon Manor Directions
| Shoushi Grotto Directions
| Rithwic Crypt Directions
| Yanshi Tunnel Directions
| Holtburg Dungeon Directions

=== New Locations ===

=== Portal.dat ===
:[[File:Portaldat 200308.png]]

=== Images ===
Click image for full size.
<gallery widths=200px heights=200px perrow=3>
File:Superior Shield Live.jpg|The new Superior Shield
File:Issk Live.jpg|Issk and the Tunnels to the Harbinger
File:Vincadi Live.jpg|Vincadi and the Tunnels to the Harbinger
File:Good Olthoi Armor Live.jpg|Olthoi Armor introduced.
File:Adolescent Olthoi Brood Matron Live.jpg|Adolescent Olthoi Brood Matron
File:Adolescent Olthoi Brood Queen Live.jpg|Adolescent Olthoi Brood Queen
=== New Items ===

=== New [[Creatures]] ===
{{Creature Class|Olthoi
| Adolescent Olthoi Brood Matron
| Adolescent Olthoi Brood Queen
| Young Olthoi Brood Matron
| Young Olthoi Brood Queen
{{Creature Class|Lugian
| Renegade Gotrok
{{Creature Class|Slithis
| Iorik Eye Stalk
| Iorik Tendril
| Iorik Tentacle
| Sishalti Eye Stalk
| Sishalti Tendril
| Sishalti Tentacle
=== Updated Creatures ===
* [[Guardian of the Lost Light]] - New artwork.

=== Splash Screen ===
[[Image:Into the Darkness Splash Screen.jpg]]


Latest revision as of 16:00, 23 October 2012

Previous Patch - All Patches - Next Patch

August 2003 - Announcements Page

Turbine Announcements

Teaser Images

  • No Current Link Available

Click image for full size version.


Release Notes

Letter to the Players


  • No Current Link Available


Town Crier Rumors

Town Crier tells you, "...and a warrior came forth bearing the mark of Light upon him. He carried, in his hand, the rays of the sun crafted into steel. A blade with a purpose in the hands of a virtuous heart brings hope where there is none. The Light has been found again."
Town Crier tells you, "Aerbax and Nuhmudira seem to be at each other's throats. I wonder what this will mean for the refugees of Yanshi."
Town Crier tells you, "Has it been over a year since the destruction of Yanshi? I can't help but think of that poor jeweler who never returned to the Lifestone with the rest of the town's folk..."
Town Crier tells you, "I can't wait until I have done enough for Candeth Keep to be recognized as a founder. I hear the shops there are exquisite!"
Town Crier tells you, "I hear word that the keep in the South Dires is almost completed. Merchants from all three races of the alliance have moved in to provide adventurers with supplies and places of rest."
Town Crier tells you, "I heard from Alatar Locke recently... he was upset that he had to redo some of his oldest notes... something about some carved caves?"
Town Crier tells you, "I never thought I'd see the day where Alchemists would be smiling again."
Town Crier tells you, "I voted for Locke Ridge..."
Town Crier tells you, "I was worried when the Olthoi first began to congregate in the north, but now they have twisted the land into their own! This can only mean bad things for us."
Town Crier tells you, "I'm trusting in the good faith of the populace to keep me well protected. I figure now that you can craft your own protections I might just be safe on my walkabouts."
Town Crier tells you, "I've heard tell that all but one of the potions we once used for casting spells is used in crafting new protective stones."
Town Crier tells you, "I've heard tell that High Queen Elysa is forming an expedition to enter the tunnels deep beneath Asheron's Island. I wonder if there is any truth to it."
Town Crier tells you, "I've heard that one of Asheron's emissaries has been spotted in Yanshi. Perhaps he is there keeping the peace."
Town Crier tells you, "Iquba's tavern in Qalabar's been awfully crowded these days, but no one seems to be buying any ale, just examining some strange keys."
Town Crier tells you, "In the Halls of Lost Light the Guardian has stirred and the sword glows brighter now than ever. Perhaps this is an omen of things to come. Perhaps it is a sign that even in this growing darkness there is still hope."
Town Crier tells you, "It seems as though the Gotrok Lugians and their Renegade Tumerok comrades are continuing to siege Fort Tethana."
Town Crier tells you, "Our refusal to speak last month was for our own reasons. We're underpaid and it's as though our voices are no longer heard. Many of us decided that we'd be silent for a cycle of the moons in protest. Did it work?"
Town Crier tells you, "Rumors persist that the Harbinger is reforming much more quickly. If it's true what more could we possibly face. We have the Renegade Tumeroks, the Gotrok Lugians, Aerbax, Olthoi and now a thing that is an elemental force. It's good to see that Nuhmudira is doing something about it over there. Of course... it would be better if she didn't have a Sclavus speaking for her."
Town Crier tells you, "Some adventurers came back from the stronghold northwest of Mount Esper the other day -- they reported that it'd gotten much more difficult. Something about new monsters moving in! They were going to check two other dungeons, but I don't remember which ones."
Town Crier tells you, "Swear to me or die! Ha, ha, just joking. Who would be that cruel?"
Town Crier tells you, "The Tumeroks have grown a huge tree in the center of Candeth Keep. They say that it's the heart of the city. Supposedly they can talk to it or some such nonsense. Don't get me wrong, I respect their beliefs, I'm just not sure I believe them."
Town Crier tells you, "There are rumors of new Olthoi hives in the North! I do hope all the homeowners there have a Horn of Vigilance... Available, by the way, at all sellers named Coron Usgin in Zaikhal. Guaranteed to keep Olthoi away! At least, uh, I think they are. Well, I believe you can return it to Coron Usgin if not satisfied, a one hundred percent pyreal-back guarantee! I think..."
Town Crier tells you, "They have infested most of the world, and now the Olthoi have begun to blight our lands. And to make matters worse, it looks as though they are beginning to establish new hives in the Olthoi North!"
Town Crier tells you, "Yanshi has suddenly become popular again. I've heard that a Virindi and a Sclavus have taken up in the ruins, professing their allegiance to new leaders. I can only see ill coming from this."
Town Crier tells you, "Yeah, we're all talking again. But the truth of the matter is that we're still unhappy. Tumeroks and Lugians standing by our side! Ha! Tell them to leave us alone in the wilderness, then we'll talk peace."

Ulgrim Rumors

No new messages this month.

New UI and Game Changes

New Quests

Live Events

Renegade Gotrok says, "As I have often heard your kind mutter, "Bring it."

Updated Quests

New NPCs

Updated NPCs

New Locations

Updated Locations

  • Olthoi North - Landscape is now severely blighted by the olthoi presence, with far less vegetation and lots of purplish thatch.
  • Carved Cave - Portal moved from 72.1N, 35.6W to 7.4N, 0.6E near Al-Jalima. In addition, the Level 17+ restriction was removed and a portal to the Halls of the Lost Light was added.
  • Chakron Gate - Updated with Assailers, Telumiat Hollow Minions and Virindi Inquisitors, Virindi Preceptors and Virindi Adjudicators
  • Dungeon Manor - Updated with Drudge Slaves and Desert Rats
  • Holtburg Dungeon - Updated with Drudge Slaves 12 & 14, Sandy Armoredillo, Spikey Armoredillo, Jade Gromnie, and Swamp Rats.
  • Matron Hive South - Now levels 20-50
  • Matron Hive West - Now levels 60-90
  • Shade Stronghold - Updated with Tenebrous and Sinister Shadows and Destroyer Grievvers
  • Sepulcher of the Hopeslayer - Now has Bile Grievvers and new Shadows. No longer recallable.
  • Rithwic Crypt - Updated with Mire Phyntos Wasps, Hunter Shreths, Desert Rats
  • Shoushi Grotto - Updated with Drudge Slaves, Hunter Shreth and Swamp Rats
  • Yanshi Tunnels - Updated with Drudge Slaves
  • Yaraq Tunnels - Updated with Drudge Slaves and Desert Rats
Points of Interest

New Items

2003/08 - Renegade Siege (Live Event)
Tumerok Hunting Brace

Harbinger Quest Update
Natural Order

Alchemy Gems
The New Alchemy
Aqua Vitae
Crucible with Stibnite Potion
Crucible with Quicksilver Potion
Crucible with Cadmia Potion
Crucible with Verdigris Potion
Crucible with Brimstone Potion
Crucible with Colcothar Potion
Crucible with Turpeth Potion
Crucible with Cobalt Potion
Crucible with Vitriol Potion
Crucible with Cinnabar Potion
Crucible with Gypsum Potion

Alchemy Gems: Level III
Stibnite and Eyebright Crucible
Quicksilver and Eyebright Crucible
Cadmia and Eyebright Crucible
Verdigris and Eyebright Crucible
Brimstone and Eyebright Crucible
Colcothar and Eyebright Crucible
Turpeth and Eyebright Crucible
Cobalt and Eyebright Crucible
Vitriol and Eyebright Crucible
Cinnabar and Eyebright Crucible
Gypsum and Eyebright Crucible
Treated Stibnite and Eyebright Crucible
Treated Quicksilver and Eyebright Crucible
Treated Cadmia and Eyebright Crucible
Treated Verdigris and Eyebright Crucible
Treated Brimstone and Eyebright Crucible
Treated Colcothar and Eyebright Crucible
Treated Turpeth and Eyebright Crucible
Treated Cobalt and Eyebright Crucible
Treated Vitriol and Eyebright Crucible
Treated Cinnabar and Eyebright Crucible
Treated Gypsum and Eyebright Crucible
Gem of Lesser Protection
Gem of Lesser Piercing Protection
Gem of Lesser Blade Protection
Gem of Lesser Bludgeon Protection
Gem of Lesser Acid Protection
Gem of Lesser Cold Protection
Gem of Lesser Fire Protection
Gem of Lesser Lightning Protection
Gem of Lesser Regeneration
Gem of Lesser Rejuvenation

Gem of Lesser Mana Renewal

Alchemy Gems: Level IV
Stibnite and Henbane Crucible
Quicksilver and Henbane Crucible
Cadmia and Henbane Crucible
Verdigris and Henbane Crucible
Brimstone and Henbane Crucible
Colcothar and Henbane Crucible
Turpeth and Henbane Crucible
Cobalt and Henbane Crucible
Vitriol and Henbane Crucible
Cinnabar and Henbane Crucible
Gypsum and Henbane Crucible
Treated Stibnite and Henbane Crucible
Treated Quicksilver and Henbane Crucible
Treated Cadmia and Henbane Crucible
Treated Verdigris and Henbane Crucible
Treated Brimstone and Henbane Crucible
Treated Colcothar and Henbane Crucible
Treated Turpeth and Henbane Crucible
Treated Cobalt and Henbane Crucible
Treated Vitriol and Henbane Crucible
Treated Cinnabar and Henbane Crucible
Treated Gypsum and Henbane Crucible
Gem of Protection
Gem of Piercing Protection
Gem of Blade Protection
Gem of Bludgeon Protection
Gem of Acid Protection
Gem of Cold Protection
Gem of Fire Protection
Gem of Lightning Protection
Gem of Regeneration
Gem of Rejuvenation

Gem of Mana Renewal

Alchemy Gems: Level V
Stibnite and Amaranth Crucible
Quicksilver and Amaranth Crucible
Cadmia and Amaranth Crucible
Verdigris and Amaranth Crucible
Brimstone and Amaranth Crucible
Colcothar and Amaranth Crucible
Turpeth and Amaranth Crucible
Cobalt and Amaranth Crucible
Vitriol and Amaranth Crucible
Cinnabar and Amaranth Crucible
Gypsum and Amaranth Crucible
Treated Stibnite and Amaranth Crucible
Treated Quicksilver and Amaranth Crucible
Treated Cadmia and Amaranth Crucible
Treated Verdigris and Amaranth Crucible
Treated Brimstone and Amaranth Crucible
Treated Colcothar and Amaranth Crucible
Treated Turpeth and Amaranth Crucible
Treated Cobalt and Amaranth Crucible
Treated Vitriol and Amaranth Crucible
Treated Cinnabar and Amaranth Crucible
Treated Gypsum and Amaranth Crucible
Gem of Improved Protection
Gem of Improved Piercing Protection
Gem of Improved Blade Protection
Gem of Improved Bludgeon Protection
Gem of Improved Acid Protection
Gem of Improved Cold Protection
Gem of Improved Fire Protection
Gem of Improved Lightning Protection
Gem of Improved Regeneration
Gem of Improved Rejuvenation

Gem of Improved Mana Renewal

Alchemy Gems: Level VI
Stibnite and Frankincense Crucible
Quicksilver and Frankincense Crucible
Cadmia and Frankincense Crucible
Verdigris and Frankincense Crucible
Brimstone and Frankincense Crucible
Colcothar and Frankincense Crucible
Turpeth and Frankincense Crucible
Cobalt and Frankincense Crucible
Vitriol and Frankincense Crucible
Cinnabar and Frankincense Crucible
Gypsum and Frankincense Crucible
Treated Stibnite and Frankincense Crucible
Treated Quicksilver and Frankincense Crucible
Treated Cadmia and Frankincense Crucible
Treated Verdigris and Frankincense Crucible
Treated Brimstone and Frankincense Crucible
Treated Colcothar and Frankincense Crucible
Treated Turpeth and Frankincense Crucible
Treated Cobalt and Frankincense Crucible
Treated Vitriol and Frankincense Crucible
Treated Cinnabar and Frankincense Crucible
Treated Gypsum and Frankincense Crucible
Gem of Greater Protection
Gem of Greater Piercing Protection
Gem of Greater Blade Protection
Gem of Greater Bludgeon Protection
Gem of Greater Acid Protection
Gem of Greater Cold Protection
Gem of Greater Fire Protection
Gem of Greater Lightning Protection
Gem of Greater Regeneration
Gem of Greater Rejuvenation

Gem of Greater Mana Renewal

Trophies (Harbinger Quest Items)
Banderling Aggressor Scalp
Banderling Predator Scalp
Banderling Antagonist Scalp
Banderling Slayer Scalp
Banderling Savage Arm
Banderling Bone Ring (Trophy)
Bloodletter Drudge Charm
Drudge Cabalist Charm
Drudge Sage Charm
Peerless Drudge Charm
Essence of a Phantasm
Gloom Drudge Charm
Murk Drudge Charm
Mutilator Head
Mystic Drudge Charm
Plate Armoredillo Hide
Slasher Reedshark Hide
Reaper Reedshark Hide
Rendeath Shreth Hide
Gauloth Shreth Hide
Bloodthirsty Monouga Idol
Merciless Monouga Idol
Insidious Monouga Idol
Skull of a Skeletal Hero
Skull of a Dark Master
Primeval Skeleton Shin Bone
Telumiat Hollow Minion Essence

Fine Olthoi Armor
Brood Matron Adolescent Tail
Brood Matron Adolescent Tarsus
Brood Matron Adolescent Tibia
Brood Queen Adolescent Carapace
Brood Queen Adolescent Claw
Brood Queen Adolescent Crest
Brood Queen Adolescent Femur
Brood Queen Adolescent Head
Brood Queen Adolescent Metathorax
Fine Olthoi Sollerets
Fine Olthoi Greaves
Fine Olthoi Bracers
Fine Olthoi Pauldrons
Fine Olthoi Breastplate
Fine Olthoi Girth
Fine Olthoi Tassets
Fine Olthoi Gauntlets
Fine Olthoi Brood Queen Helm

Good Olthoi Armor
Young Brood Matron Tail
Young Brood Matron Tarsus
Young Brood Matron Tibia
Young Brood Queen Carapace
Young Brood Queen Claw
Young Brood Queen Crest
Young Brood Queen Femur
Young Brood Queen Head
Young Brood Queen Metathorax
Good Olthoi Sollerets
Good Olthoi Greaves
Good Olthoi Bracers
Good Olthoi Pauldrons
Good Olthoi Breastplate
Good Olthoi Girth
Good Olthoi Tassets
Good Olthoi Gauntlets
Good Olthoi Brood Queen Helm

Sturdy Steel Keyring
Coral Heart
Sturdy Steel Keyring

Felscuda the Scholar

Updated Items

Text updates
A note from Iquba
A Note from Tibri
Rumor (Dungeons)
Rumor (Keys)
A torn note
An odd note
Crumpled Note
An old note (Lich Archmage)
An old note (Monougas)
Dungeon Manor Directions
Shoushi Grotto Directions
Rithwic Crypt Directions
Yanshi Tunnel Directions
Holtburg Dungeon Directions



Click image for full size.

New Creatures




Updated Creatures

Splash Screen