Academy Spadone
4 - 10, Slashing
Training Academy Quest
Acidic Weeping Two Handed Spear
10.5 - 21 (23.5 - 47), Acid
Base TH 325+
Bael'Zharon's Hate, Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded
Heart of Innocence Quest, Elemental Weeping Weapons
Amateur Explorer Greataxe
22.01 - 31, Slashing
Base TH 325+
Bonded, Resistance Cleaving: Slashing
Exploration Society Letters
Assault Greatsword
6.8 - 17, Slashing
Level 030+
Tumerok Slayer, Cleaving
Tumerok Banners Quest
Blackfire Chilling Isparian Two Handed Sword
27.69 - 39, Cold
Base TH 370+
Fire Elemental Slayer, Armor Cleaving, Attuned, Bonded
Isparian Weapons Quest, Shivering Stone Quest, Lady Aerfalle Quest
Blackfire Coruscating Isparian Two Handed Sword
27.69 - 39, Electrical
Base TH 370+
Acid Elemental Slayer, Armor Cleaving, Attuned, Bonded
Isparian Weapons Quest, Sparking Stone Quest, Lady Aerfalle Quest
Blackfire Dissolving Isparian Two Handed Sword
27.69 - 39, Acid
Base TH 370+
Lightning Elemental Slayer, Armor Cleaving, Attuned, Bonded
Isparian Weapons Quest, Stinging Stone Quest, Lady Aerfalle Quest
Blackfire Flaming Isparian Two Handed Sword
27.69 - 39, Cold
Base TH 370+
Frost Elemental Slayer, Armor Cleaving, Attuned, Bonded
Isparian Weapons Quest, Smoldering Stone Quest, Lady Aerfalle Quest
Blackfire Shimmering Isparian Two Handed Sword
27.69 - 39, Slashing
Base TH 370+
Elemental Slayer, Armor Cleaving, Attuned, Bonded
Isparian Weapons Quest, Smoldering Stone Quest, Lady Aerfalle Quest
Blackfire Shivering Atlan Two Handed Sword
27.69 - 39, Cold
Base TH 370+
Resistance Cleaving: Cold, Attuned, Bonded
Atlan Weapons Quest, Smoldering Stone Quest, Lady Aerfalle Quest
Blackfire Smoldering Atlan Two Handed Sword
27.69 - 39, Fire
Base TH 370+
Resistance Cleaving: Fire, Attuned, Bonded
Atlan Weapons Quest, Smoldering Stone Quest, Lady Aerfalle Quest
Blackfire Sparking Atlan Two Handed Sword
27.69 - 39, Electrical
Base TH 370+
Resistance Cleaving: Electrical, Attuned, Bonded
Atlan Weapons Quest, Smoldering Stone Quest, Lady Aerfalle Quest
Blackfire Stinging Atlan Two Handed Sword
27.69 - 39, Acid
Base TH 370+
Resistance Cleaving: Acid, Attuned, Bonded
Atlan Weapons Quest, Smoldering Stone Quest, Lady Aerfalle Quest
Blighted Two Handed Spear
8.5 - 17, Piercing
Base TH 325+
Bael'Zharon's Hate, Attuned, Bonded, Unenchantable
Blighted Weapons
Bound Singularity Greatsword
9.45 - 21, Slashing
Base TH 250+
Virindi Slayer, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Cleaving
Singularity Weapons Quest
Chimeric Two Handed Blade of the Quiddity
24 - 32, Slashing/Piercing
Level 120+
Dropped on Death, Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Slashing, Cleaving
Chimeric Quiddity Weapons
Commoner's Greatblade
24 - 32 (34.2 - 60), Slashing/Piercing
Unenchantable, Dropped on Death, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Slashing
Hero Tokens
Deadly Hollow Two Handed Spear
30.8 - 56, Piercing
Base TH 250+
Unenchantable, Bonded
Hollow Weapons Quest
Electric Weeping Two Handed Spear
10.5 - 21 (23.5 - 47), Lightning
Base TH 325+
Bael'Zharon's Hate, Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded
Heart of Innocence Quest, Elemental Weeping Weapons
Enhanced Assault Greatsword
13.2 - 33, Slashing
Base TH 400+
Tumerok Slayer, Resistance Cleaving: Slashing
Tumerok Banners Quest, Weapon Upgrade Kit
Enhanced Greatblade of the Quiddity
11.2 - 28, Slashing
Base TH 370+
Resistance Cleaving: Slashing
Weapon Upgrade Kit
Enhanced Chilling Isparian Two Handed Sword
30.53 - 43, Cold
Base TH 400+
Fire Elemental Slayer, Armor Cleaving, Attuned, Bonded
Isparian Weapons Quest, Shivering Stone Quest, Lady Aerfalle Quest
Enhanced Coruscating Isparian Two Handed Sword
30.53 - 43, Electrical
Base TH 400+
Acid Elemental Slayer, Armor Cleaving, Attuned, Bonded
Isparian Weapons Quest, Sparking Stone Quest, Lady Aerfalle Quest
Enhanced Dissolving Isparian Two Handed Sword
30.53 - 43, Acid
Base TH 400+
Lightning Elemental Slayer, Armor Cleaving, Attuned, Bonded
Isparian Weapons Quest, Stinging Stone Quest, Lady Aerfalle Quest
Enhanced Flaming Isparian Two Handed Sword
30.53 - 43, Cold
Base TH 400+
Frost Elemental Slayer, Armor Cleaving, Attuned, Bonded
Isparian Weapons Quest, Smoldering Stone Quest, Lady Aerfalle Quest
Enhanced Shimmering Isparian Two Handed Sword
30.53 - 43, Slashing
Base TH 400+
Elemental Slayer, Armor Cleaving, Attuned, Bonded
Isparian Weapons Quest, Smoldering Stone Quest, Lady Aerfalle Quest
Enhanced Shivering Atlan Two Handed Sword
30.53 - 43, Cold
Base TH 400+
Resistance Cleaving: Cold, Attuned, Bonded
Atlan Weapons Quest, Shivering Stone Quest, Lady Aerfalle Quest
Enhanced Smoldering Atlan Two Handed Sword
30.53 - 43, Fire
Base TH 400+
Resistance Cleaving: Fire, Attuned, Bonded
Atlan Weapons Quest, Smoldering Stone Quest, Lady Aerfalle Quest
Enhanced Sparking Atlan Two Handed Sword
30.53 - 43, Electrical
Base TH 400+
Resistance Cleaving: Electrical, Attuned, Bonded
Atlan Weapons Quest, Sparking Stone Quest, Lady Aerfalle Quest
Enhanced Stinging Atlan Two Handed Sword
30.53 - 43, Acid
Base TH 400+
Resistance Cleaving: Acid, Attuned, Bonded
Atlan Weapons Quest, Stinging Stone Quest, Lady Aerfalle Quest
Flaming Weeping Two Handed Spear
10.5 - 21 (23.5 - 47), Fire
Base TH 325+
Bael'Zharon's Hate, Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded
Heart of Innocence Quest, Elemental Weeping Weapons
Frozen Weeping Two Handed Spear
10.5 - 21 (23.5 - 47), Cold
Base TH 325+
Bael'Zharon's Hate, Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded
Heart of Innocence Quest, Elemental Weeping Weapons
Greatblade of the Quiddity
4 - 10, Slashing
Quiddity Weapons Quest
Great BloodScorch
18 - 40, Fire
Base TH 400+
Cleaving, Undead Slayer, Bonded, Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Fire, Cast on Strike: Cassius' Ring of Fire
Ancient Mhoire Coins
Hollow Two Handed Spear
13.95 - 31, Piercing
Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Hollow
Hollow Weapons Quest
Isparian Two Handed Sword
14.2 - 20, Piercing
Isparian Weapons Quest
Paradox-touched Olthoi Great Sword
17.5 - 35, Piercing
Base TH 400+
Olthoi Slayer, Attuned, Bonded, Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Slashing, Cast on Strike: Shock Wave IV
Aerbax's Prodigal Olthoi
Princely Runed Two Handed Corsesca
16.2 - 36, Piercing
Level 100+
Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Cast on Strike: Gossamer Flesh
Princely Runed Weapons
Red Rune Silveran Greatsword
18 - 40, Slashing
Level 140+
Cleaving, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Slashing
Tracking Grael, Grael's Summoning Chamber
Royal Runed Two Handed Corsesca
17.55 - 39, Piercing
Level 120+
Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Cast on Strike: Gossamer Flesh
Royal Runed Weapons
Seasoned Explorer Greataxe
22.72 - 32, Slashing
Base TH 325+
Attuned, Bonded, Resistance Cleaving: Slashing
Exploration Society Letters
Singularity Greatsword
9.45 - 21, Slashing
Base TH 250+
Virindi Slayer, Attuned, Destroyed on Death, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike
Singularity Weapons Quest, Cleaving
Soul Bound Greatsword
25.2 - 36, Slashing/Piercing
Base TH 400+
Ghost Slayer, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Armor Cleaving, Cleaving
Jester's Lost Marbles
Spectral Greatsword
25.2 - 36, Slashing/Piercing
Base TH 400+
Ghost Slayer, Dropped on Death, Crushing Blow, Armor Cleaving, Cleaving
Jester's Lost Marbles
Tetsubo Slugger
6 - 12, Bludgeoning
Crushing Blow
Frest Greelving's Haunted Mansion
Training Spadone
3.2 - 8, Slashing
Training Academy Quest
Ultimate Singularity Greatsword
7.65 - 17, Slashing
Base TH 325+
Virindi Slayer, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Cleaving
Singularity Weapons Quest
Ultimate Singularity Greatsword (Upgraded)
14.4 - 32, Slashing
Base TH 400+
Virindi Slayer, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Armor Cleaving, Cleaving
Singularity Weapons Quest
Weeping Two Handed Spear
10.5 - 21 (23.5 - 47), Piercing
Base TH 325+
Bael'Zharon's Hate, Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded
Heart of Innocence Quest, Elemental Weeping Weapons
Well-Balanced Lugian Greataxe
21 - 28, Slashing/Piercing
Base TH 400+
Attuned, Bonded, Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Slashing
Well-Balanced Lugian Greataxe Quest