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Related topics: Creatures, Category:Rift, Category:Virindi


Rifts are enigmas that only recently began to confound adventurers. Some people believe they are “intelligent portals” that have taken umbrage at the superabundance of portal magic use in Dereth. Others believe they are Virindi in their true form, a theory supported by the mask that floats in the light surrounding the Rift. Either thesis could be valid; certainly the Rifts are not answering any questions.

Rifts are immune to lightning, and it is rumored that it in fact heals them. They tend to be almost immune to magical attack and vulnerable to physical attack, or the inverse (weak against magic, strong against physical). They also have the ability to summon Virindi and Virindi-allied creatures to aid them in combat. This last ability is what makes them dangerous. Rifts have claimed many adventurers who thought themselves in a one on one fight.


Name Lvl XP Melee Def Missile Def Magic Def Health Loot Trophies
Narrow Rift 53 100 2
Quiddity Rift 115 45000 370 5
Schism 160 100000 387 1100 6
Shallow Rift 21 2000 100 1
Tenebrous Rift 145 84000 367 900 6
Umbral Rift 155 95000 535 382 1000 6
Unstable Rift 100 44000 473 320 4

There are Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". Rift entries on this page.
There are currently 18 pages categorized as Rift.


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