Lilly of Glenden Wood: Difference between revisions

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Line 85: Line 85:
{{Crafter Item
{{Crafter Item
  | Turn In Item = Sunflower
  | Turn In Item = Sunflower
  |  Experience =  
  |  Experience = 7,500
  |      Pyreals =  
  |      Pyreals =  
  |  Reward Item = Sunflower Oil
  |  Reward Item = Sunflower Oil
Line 140: Line 140:
:<font color=green>You give Lilly of Glenden Wood Sunflower.</font>
:<font color=green>You give Lilly of Glenden Wood Sunflower.</font>
:<font color=darkgoldenrod>Lilly of Glenden Wood tells you, "Thank you. A lovely Sunflower."</font>
:<font color=darkgoldenrod>Lilly of Glenden Wood tells you, "There you go!  A nice supply of Sunflower oil."</font>
:<font color=green>Lilly of Glenden Wood crushes the Sunflower and mixes it into a vat of liquid.</font>
:<font color=green>You've earned 7,500 experience.</font>
:<font color=darkgoldenrod>Lilly of Glenden Wood tells you, "There you go! A nice supply of Sunflower oil."</font>
:<font color=green>Lilly of Glenden Wood gives you Sunflower Oil.</font>
:<font color=green>Lilly of Glenden Wood gives you Sunflower Oil.</font>
Line 162: Line 161:
:You've earned 25,000 experience.
:You've earned 25,000 experience.
:Lilly of Glenden Wood gives you Trade Note (50,000).</font>
:Lilly of Glenden Wood gives you Trade Note (50,000).</font>
'''Retired Text'''<br>
:<font color=green>You give Lilly of Glenden Wood Sunflower.</font>
:<font color=darkgoldenrod>Lilly of Glenden Wood tells you, "Thank you. A lovely Sunflower."</font>
:<font color=green>Lilly of Glenden Wood crushes the Sunflower and mixes it into a vat of liquid.</font>
:<font color=darkgoldenrod>Lilly of Glenden Wood tells you, "There you go! A nice supply of Sunflower oil."</font>
:<font color=green>Lilly of Glenden Wood gives you Sunflower Oil.</font>


Revision as of 00:20, 5 April 2011

Related topics: Collectors, Trophies by Collector

Introduced:  Release Related Quests:  Horn of Vigilance Quest, Lady Aerfalle Quest, Radiant Mana Infusion Quest, Singularity Weapons, Sword of Lost Hope Quest
Lilly of Glenden Wood

Female Aluvian
Non-Player Killer

Strength 75
Endurance 60
Coordination 60
Quickness 50
Focus 60
Self 45
Health 100
Stamina 170
Mana 95

Location: Just outside of Glenden Wood off the road to Holtburg. (32.0N, 27.2E)


Crafter Turn Ins

Turn In Items Experience Pyreals Reward Items
Auroch Horn 1,000xp --
Stamina Elixir x10

Blood of the Hopeslayer 10,000,000xp -- None

Blue Fire Infusion 4,000,000xp -- None

Fire Auroch Horn 4,500xp --
Health Elixir x10

Great Mattekar Horn ?xp --
Health Elixir x10

Olthoi Ichor 25,000xp --
Trade Note (50,000)

Radiant Mana Infusion 105,999,994xp -- None

Red Fire Infusion 4,000,000xp -- None

Sunflower 7,500xp --
Sunflower Oil

Vial of Organic Acid 40,000xp --
Trade Note (50,000)

Virindi Essence (Blue) 30,000xp --
Trade Note (50,000)

White Fire Infusion 3,000,000xp -- None

Lore & Dialog

Lilly of Glenden Wood tells you, "I use Auroch horns in the making of my potions. I discovered how to use Mattekar horns to produce health elixirs and Sunflowers to make Sunflower oil."
Lilly of Glenden Wood tells you, "If you give me a horn, I'll give you some of my potion in return. If you give me a Sunflower I'll give you some Sunflower oil."

You give Lilly of Glenden Wood Blood of the Hopeslayer.
Lilly of Glenden Wood tells you, "Egad! What a disgusting mess! I'll just destroy this right now!"
You've earned 10,000,000 experience.

You give Lilly of Glenden Wood Vial of Organic Acid.
Lilly of Glenden Wood tells you, "I'm still testing this acid's corrosive properties for alchemical uses. It's a good way to get rid of useless items though."
You've earned 40,000 experience.
Lilly of Glenden Wood gives you Trade Note (50,000).

You give Lilly of Glenden Wood White Fire Infusion.
Lilly of Glenden Wood tells you, "This will go wonderfully in my new concoction. Thank you."
You've earned 3,000,000 experience.

You give Lilly of Glenden Wood Blue Fire Infusion.
Lilly sniffs at the infusion carefully.
Lilly of Glenden Wood tells you, "Whew! Better be careful with this one."
You've earned 4,000,000 experience.

You give Lilly of Glenden Wood Red Fire Infusion.
Lilly of Glenden Wood tells you, "What an amazing potion! So spicy!"
You're earned 4,000,000 experience.

You give Lilly of Glenden Wood Radiant Mana Infusion.
Lilly of Glenden Wood tells you, "Now this is an interesting vial indeed! Extreme power is contained within, thank you so much for brining me one."
You've earned 105,999,994 experience.

You give Lilly of Glenden Wood Sunflower.
Lilly of Glenden Wood tells you, "There you go! A nice supply of Sunflower oil."
You've earned 7,500 experience.
Lilly of Glenden Wood gives you Sunflower Oil.

You give Lilly of Glenden Wood Auroch Horn.
Lilly of Glenden Wood tells you, "Thank you for the Auroch horn. Let's see you must be tired from all that hunting, take these."
You've earned 1,000 experience.
Lilly of Glenden Wood gives you 10 Stamina Elixirs.
Lilly of Glenden Wood tells you, "My reward for a Fire Auroch Horns is better."

You give Lilly of Glenden Wood Fire Auroch Horn.
Lilly of Glenden Wood tells you, "A Fire Auroch Horn! Thank you for bringing this to me. You look a little singed..."
You've earned 4,500 experience.
Lilly of Glenden Wood gives you 10 Health Elixirs.
Lilly of Glenden Wood tells you, "Take those with you in case you get horribly burned."

You give Lilly of Glenden Wood Olthoi Ichor.
Lilly of Glenden Wood tells you, "Nasty stuff, but it is essential to my research."
Lilly of Glenden Wood tells you, "It's also very good for cleaning the horns I use in my potions. Please bring me more if you can."
You've earned 25,000 experience.
Lilly of Glenden Wood gives you Trade Note (50,000).

Retired Text

You give Lilly of Glenden Wood Sunflower.
Lilly of Glenden Wood tells you, "Thank you. A lovely Sunflower."
Lilly of Glenden Wood crushes the Sunflower and mixes it into a vat of liquid.
Lilly of Glenden Wood tells you, "There you go! A nice supply of Sunflower oil."
Lilly of Glenden Wood gives you Sunflower Oil.