Imperial Chevaird's Helm

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Introduced:  Throne of Destiny Related Quests:  Rares Updated:  Shedding Skin
Rare #261
Imperial Chevaird's Helm
Value: 50,000
530 Burden Units

The proudest warriors of the Yalain were the Imperial Chevairds. They were responsible for the King's safety and were comprised of the kingdom's most loyal and trusted warriors. These helms were specially designed for the Imperial Chevairds and were endowed with powerful magic.

Item Level: 0/50
Item XP: 0/2,000,000,000

Special Properties: Dropped on Death

Armor Level: 500
Covers Hands

Casts the following spells: Epic Mana Conversion Prowess, Incantation of Impenetrability, Epic Focus

Rare #261

Armor Level: 500
Slashing: 700
Piercing: 550
Bludgeoning: 550
Fire: 450
Cold: 450
Acid: 450
Electric: 450
Nether: Average (500)

Activation Requirements: None

Spellcraft: 350
Mana: 3020
Mana Cost: 1 point per 1 point per 30 seconds. seconds.

Silo's Life Mage of Harvestgain with Bracers of Leikotha's Tears, Gelidite Boots, Gauntlets of Leikotha's Tears, Pauldrons of Leikotha's Tears, Gelidite Breastplate, Imperial Chevaird's Helm, Gelidite Girth, Tassets of Leikotha's Tears, Greaves of Leikotha's Tears and Wand of the Frore Crystal.


  • See Rares for drop information.

Update History

Shedding Skin