Tombs of the Sand Kings

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Introduced:  Should the Stars Fall Related Quests:  Staff of the Nomads Quest Updated:  A Perfect Paradox

Map Dereth Point


3 bunkers near Candeth Keep and the drop point of the Direlands Midland Portal at 87.7S, 65.6W, two of which contain Tombs.
The left most bunker to the west houses Anadil's Tomb, Anadil of Shakrassekor was one of the Sand Kings and was also the leader of the Dericost forces that attempted to thwart the return of the Hopeslayer by protecting the Soul Stones from being destroyed. He was killed during the Should the Stars Fall event whilst defending the Shard of the Herald at Ithaenc Cathedral.
Anadil's Tomb was originally locked and contained the two pieces of the Staff of the Nomads. During A Perfect Paradox event, one of Bael'Zharon's generals Black Ferah ordered a raid on the tomb and stole one piece of the staff, it was taken to the Lightless Catacombs. The other piece was taken to the Necropolis for protection by those loyal to Anadil. The right most bunker does not hold a tomb but it does a contain a single skull.

Garaena the Emissary here summons a portal to Aerlinthe Island (40+) for a D Note. Garaena was sent to the tombs by Lady Aerfalle to collect money to bribe the Sand Kings into helping them. They are hoping the Sand Kings will aid them in defending the island from shadow attacks.
Nearby, at the drop of the Direlands Midland Portal, a lifestone and a portal to Hebian-To can be found.







Anadil's Tomb
Note (Anadil's Tomb)

