From the Lady Aerfalle Quest Quest introduced in ??.
Peerless Atlan Claw of Black Fire
Peerless Atlan Claw of Black Fire
Value: 5,000 135 Burden Units
Special Properties: Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable
Damage: 8.5 - 34 (?? - ??), Slashing
Speed: Fast (15) (0)
Uses Unarmed Combat Skill
Bonus to Attack Skill: +7% (+%)
Bonus to Defense Skill: +7% (+%)
Casts the following spells: Unarmed Combat Mastery VI, Defender VI, Blooddrinker VI, Swift Killer VI, Heartseeker VI, Curse of Black Fire,
Activation Requirements: Unarmed Combat: 225
Spellcraft: 200
Mana: 750
Mana Cost: 1 point per 30 seconds.
Spell Descriptions:
- Curse of Black Fire (Decreases the target's Magic Defense skill by 10 points)