2001/10 - Virindi Director Levistras

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Related topics: Virindi, Levistras

Story Arc: 
Introduced: The Widening Gyre Previous Event - All Live Events - Next Event
Seat of the New Singularity

The New Singularity

During The Widening Gyre event, players—with the assistance of Ecorto the Lost Director[1]—stormed the Seat of the New Singularity and slew Levistras. [2][3]

The Shroud of Levistras was found on his corpse, a unique robe that was only available one time per server.[4]

After the death of Levistras, he was quickly replaced by a new speaker, the New Singularity Director [5] See the New Singular Repositories quest write-up for details.


Live Event Items
Translated Singular Chorizite Note
Translated Singular Obsidian Note
Translated Singular Pyreal Note
Shroud of Levistras




Click image for full size version.

Lore & Dialog

Broadcast message after Levistras was killed
[Player name] has struck down Levistras, the Speaker of the New Directive! All across Dereth, Virindi recoil as the leader of their movement falls, severed from the Singularity. The other members of the Virindi inner circle go into hiding... "No! The New Singularity was so close to completion! This is not an acceptable outcome!"
