These gauntlets are built for mages, finely crafted from lightweight metals and put together with jeweler's precision. A mage can easily manipulate objects and spell components as if wearing no gloves at all. Two large bloodstones help to serve as a magnifier for all life magic.
Special Properties: Dropped on Death
Armor Level: 400 Covers Hands
Casts the following spells: Flame Ward, Major Impregnability, Major Invulnerability, Harlune's Blessing, Major Impenetrability, Nuhmudira's Blessing, Brogard's Defiance
Armor Level: 400 Slashing: 440 (Average) Piercing: 360 (Average) Bludgeoning: 440 (Average) Fire: 360 (Average) Cold: 360 (Average) Acid: 360 (Average) Electric: 360 (Average) Nether: Average (400)
Spellcraft: 350 Mana: 4000 Mana Cost: 1 point per 30 seconds.