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Related topics: Anadil of Shakrassekor, High Desert Nomads, Luminaries of Undead Society

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Character Summary
Anadil of Shakrassekor
Associated Groups:
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The Mu-Miyah groans, "Anadil, my old captain, I shall miss the war... May my strength be joined with yours...[1]

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Appearance Live Events

The undead general staggers and falls to his knees, but pauses and looks up into <Player>'s eyes. "Don't let it end like this, young one. If you must send me to the wind, my task is your to complete. Protect the stone."


Campaign Journal


Staff of the Nomads (Retired)
Staff of the Nomads
Split Silver Key
Anadil's Crystal





Other References to Anadil

  1. 2000/08 - Taste of Twilight - Mu-Miyah Note Translation
  2. 2000/09 - Twilight's Gleaming - Daily Report
  3. 2003/03 - A Perfect Paradox - Note (Anadil's Tomb)
  4. 2003/03 - A Perfect Paradox - Note (Abandoned Observatory)
  5. AC:DM CD Lore/Bestiary/Derethian Bestiary#Slithis
  6. AC:DM CD Lore/Bestiary/Pronunciation