Corporal Irashi

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Introduced:  The Risen Princess Related Quests:  Spectral Bushi Kill Task Updated:  The Quest for Freedom
Corporal Irashi

Female Sho
Royal Soldier
Non-Player Killer

Strength 290
Endurance 200
Coordination 290
Quickness 290
Focus 260
Self 260
Health 296
Stamina 396
Mana 396

Location: 80.7N, 43.0W


Lore & Dialog

Corporal Irashi tells you, "It is an honor to meet you. I am known as Corporal Irashi. I have been sent to coordinate the weakening of the enemy forces here. To that end, I am rewarding those that assist me with the removal of the main force of Spectral Bushi."
Corporal Irashi tells you, "If you will assist me by killing 10 of the Spectral Bushi within the towns or up within the walled fortress, I will reward you for your efforts."
Corporal Irashi tells you, "Make sure you hunt those well within the towns or the walled fortress. Killing those on the edges will not assist my task, so I cannot reward you for those."