Fishing Messages

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See Fishing for quest guide.

You fail to catch anything. You think: Two fish

You fail to catch anything. You wonder: Can fish cast magic? Maybe something like Fishing Ineptitude Other or Turn Hook VI.

You fail to catch anything. You muse: I fish therefore I am.

You fail to catch anything. You sing: Fish heads, fish heads...

You fail to catch anything. You think: Fish may be the only animal on Dereth that haven't tried to kill me yet.

You fail to catch anything. You worry: Did I leave the fireplace lit at home?


You fail to catch anything. I wonder if Queen Elysa fishes?

You fail to catch anything. You muse: Maybe I'm left handed...

You fail to catch anything, but you think you see some movement in another spot.

You fail to catch anything. You sing: Fishin' ain't easy.

You fail to catch anything. You think: Sure could use a cold one.

You fail to catch anything. You wonder: What would a virindi altered fish taste like?

You fail to catch anything. You wonder: Do fish lifestone?

You fail to catch anything. You wonder: Why do Town Criers work at night? They must have shifts or something.

You fail to catch anything. A fish swims by ignoring your line. You could swear it's almost mocking you.

You fail to catch anything. You wonder: How did he make those boots anyway?

You fail to catch anything. Maybe you need to switch what type of bait you're using.

You fail to catch anything. You think: I'm having fish for dinner tonight!

You fail to catch anything. You sing: ... I move to where I'd hoped they'd be.

You fail to catch anything, but this is so peaceful.

You fail to catch anything. You sing: I once saw a fish that was big as a barn. It took my line'n hook and it ripped off my arm! I swam for dry land as the fish came around and I'm lucky to be here cause I shoulda drowned. Ooooh!!! a whale of a fish makes a hell of a yarn, but an actual whale... can rip off your arm! So don't be lookin' for big fish unless you are strong and can reel in a whale like the one in my song!

You fail to catch anything. You muse: We can fish and hunt chickens now. I wonder if we'll ever get to hunt pigs?

You caught something! Arghh! The line broke!

You fail to catch anything. You think: One fish

You fail to catch anything. There's nothing like the fresh air and fishing though.

You hooked something! Unfortunately it appears to be your ear. Ewwww, that's gonna hurt.

You fail to catch anything. Where the heck are all the fish?!

You fail to catch anything. You muse: F is for your fins, I wish I had some too. I is for I'd like to catch a large fish that is blue. S is the standing in the water all time. And H is for the Hagrajag I just made up to fit this rhyme.

You fail to catch anything. You muse: Les poissons, les poissons...

You fail to catch anything. Nope, not a thing.

You hooked something! Unfortunately it appears to be a fellow fisherman. Hehe, better run.

You fail to catch anything. You think: Just have to catch one more blue one and then I can decorate my house with fish.

You fail to catch anything and spill your beer in the process.

You fail to catch anything. You sing: Fishie, Fishie, Fishie Fish, swimming in the fishie sea.

You thought you felt a nibble... the bait's gone.

You fail to catch anything, but your line gets caught in some water weeds.

You fail to catch anything. You wonder: Why can't I just zap all the fish with Alset's Coil?

You fail to catch anything. You sing: Come on and bite on the line fish. Come on and get on my hook fish fish.

You fail to catch anything. You muse: I catch a fish. I cook a fish. I eat a fish. I like it.

You fail to catch anything. You muse: Wish I could cast Fish Seeker VI on this thing.

You fail to catch anything. You worry: What if we over-fish and wind up without any fish?

You fail to catch anything. A fish swims by your leg giving you the fishy wishies.

You fail to catch anything. Yarrrr, this be the life.

You fail to catch anything. You sing: If I had a fish, I'd cook it up for dinner, I'd cook it up for lunch in a sizzlin' frying pan.

You fail to catch anything. You muse: Fish, fish, fish, all I want is fish.

You fail to catch anything. You wonder: What would Bael'Zharon do?

You fail to catch anything. You think: Red fish

You fail to catch anything. You think: Blue fish