Forum:Premium Plugins

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Premium Plugins

I have a request from User:Eps to add his plugins to our Plugins page. These are not free plugins, but they are still available, and useful. I personally have purchased one in the past and it works great. Are there any objections/concerns? --Immortalbob 14:41, 26 January 2012 (EST)

I don't like the idea of having premium plugins here. I feel like at the worst, it's in violation of turbine's/WB's rules to make money off their game, and at best its frowned upon.

I also don't like the idea of linking to plugins by eps, premium or free. If this eps is Experience Passup System, he is a known exploiter, I believe has sold accounts in violation of turbine's rules, and in general is not trustworthy/is a greedy asshole that is just trying to make a buck off of AC anyway he can. I honestly can't believe he hasn't been perma-banned from AC yet. I would not trust any program he's created to be safe and secure.

--An Adventurer 02:12, 27 January 2012 (EST)

I play on the same server as EPS (or one of them) and he seems like a nice likeable guy. However, he does unfortunately seem to use his programming skills and talents just to make money out of AC.
I don’t agree with that, and the Wiki is definitely not the place for anything that requires payment IMO - everything here should be free.

--Ash (Arkalor) 03:27, 27 January 2012 (EST)

That's correct, we aren't able to post links to private plugins. --How often to wash makeup brushes? ,<a href=>wholesale mac makeup</a> ,, 09:01, 6 February 2012 (PST)

Hence why i posted here first. I had no objections, but i knew others would! --Immortalbob 01:55, 7 February 2012 (EST)