Gavin Hammerstone

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Introduced:  Ancient Powers Related Quests:  Shoguth Moarsman Kill Task
Gavin Hammerstone

Male Aluvian
Shoguth Hunt Task Master
Non-Player Killer

Strength 255
Endurance 220
Coordination 240
Quickness 240
Focus 90
Self 90
Health 235
Stamina 330
Mana 145

Location: Inside the Celestial Hand Stronghold.


Lore & Dialog

Gavin Hammerstone tells you, "Greetings, I have an assignment for you, should you wish to prove yourself further to our glorious Society."
Gavin Hammerstone tells you, "There is a Moarsman City rising from the ocean on the Southern Direland Shores, South East of Candeth Keep. The Blighted Moarsmen there have been raiding our cities and causing trouble all along the coasts. I believe they are just warming up for something worse."
Gavin Hammerstone tells you, "Go to this city and kill 40 of the 'Shoguth Moarsmen'."
Gavin Hammerstone tells you, "Return to me when you have killed 40 of the foul things and I will reward you."