Harbinger Arm Guard
Value: 9,000 900 Burden Units
The hollowed out Arm of the Harbinger. Armor Level: 380 (600) Covers Hands You must be at least level 180 to wield this item. Casts the following spells: Archer's Bane , Web of Defense , Hydra's Head , Web of Resistance , Swordsman's Bane , Tusker's Bane , Brogard's Defiance , Minor Magic Resistance Armor Level: 380 (600) Slashing: Above Average (494) (1200) Piercing: Above Average (494) (1200) Bludgeoning: Above Average (494) (1200) Fire: Unparalleled (760) (1200) Cold: Unparalleled (760) (1200) Acid: Unparalleled (760) (1200) Electric: Unparalleled (760) (1200) Nether: Average (380) (600) Activation Requirements: Arcane Lore: 200, Melee Defense: 400 Spellcraft: 300 Mana: 1200 Mana Cost: 1 point per 60 seconds.
Harbinger Arm Guard (only takes up hand slot even though appears as a sleeve).
You give Ciandra, Arcanum Alchemist Harbinger Arm Guard.
Ciandra, Arcanum Alchemist tells you, "No problem, let's see, I hope you can use this. If not, then return it to me for a less tangible reward."
Ciandra, Arcanum Alchemist gives you Finger of the Harbinger.